Term 3 - Week 3

Week 2 wrap up

Posted: Friday 26 July 2024

The school holiday is well and truly a distant memory for me, but it is wonderful to have everyone back at school. Our Year 12s are in countdown mode for their end of year completion of courses and examinations in the October holidays. At the other end of our school, students who turned 3 in June started Three Year Old Kindy this term. To them and all the new families across the College, a warm welcome to you!

Thank you to Staff and Parents for the smooth running of Parent-Teacher Night on Monday. I hope the conversations continue between home and school into the future.

Tonight, the Year 12 Prefects will be holding a Quiz Night. I know they have worked tirelessly with Mr Callaghan to ensure a successful evening. Thank you to members of the school community for their generosity in sponsoring the event. The Prefects are truly amazed at your support as am I.

Our intrepid Year 8s return from camp this afternoon and we look forward to the hearing all about their time away.

I would encourage families watch the College Production next month. Our students have been working hard. Ticket sales are now available.

Open Night is an event I very much look forward. Please mark it on your calendar - Monday 12 August 5.00-7.30pm. Our students are always so proud to showcase the work they have been doing at school. The School Advisory Council will be running "Saints Cafe" and the P&F, the sausage sizzle.

Drivers who use the top carpark thoroughfare up near the church are requested to please follow the 5km speed signs. Could drivers also avoid parking on the pavement and church roundabout. Thank you for your consideration.

Finally, how lovely for the College to be paid a visit by Dr Toni Buti, Minister of Education last week. He paid the school such positive compliments - nothing I did not already know!

Wishing you all a wonderful Week 3.

St Joseph's. Pray for us.

St Joseph's Students feature in About FACE Kids

Whole School
Posted: Friday 26 July 2024

Twenty four students from St Joseph's successfully auditioned for a place at the About FACE Kids Choir Camp which was held in the second week of the holidays. Students from Years Four - Eight, learnt seven songs in four days and still had time to take on ZONK challenges and play archery tag in the afternoons. The camp concluded with a concert for the general public. Many new friendships were forged with children from as far away as Lake Grace and Perth. Rachel, Angel and Nigiel gave up a week of their holidays to help mentor the About FACE Kids.They were outstanding role models and a great asset to the leadership team. Mr Findlay was a vocal coach and Mrs Findlay was the camp's choral director.

Sixteen in 10 minutes or less College Production Tickets are now available!

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 17 July 2024

Buy your tickets now for our College Production Sixteen in 10 minutes or less. The show will be on August 10 with 2pm matinee show and 6:30pm evening show. Tickets are only $10 for students/concession, $15 for adults and $40 for Family (2 adults and 2 children). Let's support our Drama club members from Years 7 to 12 and our Cert 2 and 3 Music Industry students. Invite your family and friends too and enjoy the different funny stories of our 16 years old characters! What are you waiting for? Click the link or use the QR code now!

Stage 2 Ulster Rd pipeline replacement project - commencing 15th July 2024

Whole School
Posted: Thursday 11 July 2024

Vinnies Winter Appeal 2024

Whole School
Posted: Thursday 27 June 2024

Vinnies WA has launched its annual Winter Appeal for 2024!

The theme of this year's Winter Appeal shines a spotlight on the spiralling cost of living which is forcing 1,600 australians onto the streets every single month.

Each year Vinnies assists more than 61,000 Western Australians by providing vital support such as food, furniture, clothing and assistance with bills and rent and delivers a range of specialised services and programs in the areas of homelessness, housing, mental health, youth services, and financial counselling.

As part of our Catholic commitment to respect the human dignity of all, St Joseph's College works to assist those less fortunate in our community through our annual winter food drive. Collection boxes will be in each classroom and homeroom for any non-perishable food items that you wish to donate. This year we will also be collecting blankets and warm clothing (jumpers, trackies, beanies, scarves) that are clean and in new or good condition - these can be dropped in at either Library.

On behalf of the College, I would like to thank you all for your generosity and commitment each and every year to those doing it tough in our community.

Mr Luke Bogoni

Religious Education Coordinator

Athletics carnival lunchtime events

Secondary School
Posted: Wednesday 24 July 2024

In preparation for the Year 7-12 Inter-House athletics carnival scheduled on Monday 19 August there will be several pre-carnival events held at lunchtimes. These events are voluntary for students wishing to enter.

In the event of rain the events may be rescheduled. Students may change into their PE uniform at recess in preparation for the events.

Wednesday 31 July Year 7-12 800m

Thursday 1 and Friday 2 August - Year 11 and 12 Discus and Triple Jump

Monday 5 August Year 7-12 1500m

Confirmation meeting incorrect date for meeting change

Secondary School
Posted: Sunday 21 July 2024

The Confirmation Enrolment Masses have been set down for the weekend of Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th July. Parents and children to be confirmed are expected to attend one of the Masses over the weekend to receive a Confirmation badge and to make commitment pledges. Mass times: Saturday Holy Family Church 6.00pm, Sunday 7.30am St Joseph's Church, 9.30am Holy Family Church or 5.00pm St Joseph's Church.

This will be followed the following week by the parent and child meeting on Thursday 1st August 2024. This will be held in the Junior School Undercover area and will commence at 6.00pm. The meeting is not expected to last past 7.30om.

Chris Palfrey - Liturgy and Sacramental Co-Ordinator

Confirmation Enrolment Mass and Meeting

Secondary School
Posted: Wednesday 17 July 2024

The Confirmation Enrolment Masses have been set down for the weekend of Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th July. Parents and children to be confirmed are expected to attend one of the Masses over the weekend to receive a Confirmation badge and to make commitment pledges. Mass times: Saturday Holy Family Church 6.00pm, Sunday 7.30am St Joseph's Church, 9.30am Holy Family Church or 5.00pm St Joseph's Church.

This will be followed the following week by the parent and child meeting on Tuesday 1st August 2024. This will be held in the Junior School Undercover area and will commence at 6.00pm. The meeting is not expected to last past 7.30om.

Chris Palfrey - Liturgy and Sacramental Co-Ordinator

VacSwim enrolments now open

Posted: Thursday 25 July 2024

VacSwim offers fun swimming lessons over the October and summer school holidays. It aims to give children across Western Australia the skills to stay safe and confident in the water.

As we head towards summer, a lot of families are starting to get back into the water or planning holidays by the beach, rivers, or swimming pools. It is important we help them support their child to stay safe and confident in the water.

VacSwim provides children aged five to 17 years with the opportunity to develop and progress their swimming and water safety skills during the October and summer school holidays. We offer programs for beginner, intermediate and advanced swimmers at over 175 locations across Western Australia.

The easiest way to enrol is online.

Royals Basketball Club

Posted: Tuesday 23 July 2024

Brand new Royals Basketball Club!

St Joseph's College PandF

Posted: Tuesday 23 July 2024

Summary of Meeting Held 16th July 2024.

ADFA Open Day 2024 is nearly here

Posted: Friday 19 July 2024

The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) Open Day is nearly here! It’s the perfect opportunity for your students to find out more about the unique academic opportunities and life at ADFA. This year you can attend in person at the ADFA campus in Canberra, or if you can’t make it in person, you can experience all the action online.

Online: Register at

Term 3 Tuition and Master Classes for Years 7- 12

Posted: Friday 19 July 2024

Weekly Tuition and Master Classes

Tuition for Years 7-12

Receive weekly support from experienced teachers to improve your understanding and boost school results.

Why choose Academic Task Force Tuition:

  1. Expert high school teachers
  2. Small group (max 4 students)
  3. Targeted and individualised help to develop your skills each term
  4. Tuition aligned with the WA syllabus
  5. End of term feedback on your childs' progress

Enrol online: | Phone: 08 9314 9500

Master Class for Years 10- 12

Specialised courses to help maximise grades and strive for a top ATAR score. Taught by WA's top teachers, each week students will receive in-depth syllabus teaching and extension to boost their grades.

Why choose Academic Associates Master Classes:

  1. WA’s top teachers
  2. In-depth syllabus teaching
  3. Enrich your understanding of course concepts
  4. Weekly coaching
  5. Receive exam preparation & success strategies
  6. Interactive online & in-class options

Enrol online: | Phone: 08 9314 9500

Free parent workshops in Albany

Posted: Wednesday 17 July 2024

Free parenting workshops offered in Albany starting in August. One for Dads of children 3-10years and Circle of Security for families with children 0-6 years.

Science week puppet workshops and performance event

Posted: Tuesday 16 July 2024

Our upcoming science week event on August 16 and 17 Matt the Feral Cat - a play about what shouldn't be for dinner. With the Spare Parts Puppet Theatre we will be running two puppet making workshops and a performance and song, which will be filmed for a video clip, and we would love to have the whole community involved!

Southern Edge Arts Term 3 Enrolments

Posted: Tuesday 16 July 2024

Southern Edge Arts have opened registrations for our Term 3 Act Belong Commit Arts Workshops.

Yogalates Meditation for Exam Stress - August 2024

Posted: Sunday 23 June 2024

Are you currently studying for exams?

Join us at Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre every Tuesday in August 2024 for FREE Yogalates and Meditation sessions. These are aimed to assist you in reducing your stress and fatigue around exam time, while helping you increase your strength and flexibility.

Register for as many sessions as you like as each one will build on the previous!

Bring a water bottle and towel, mats will be provided. Open to ages 15 – 25 years.

Register here!/event-detail/ev_ab5566e184fc4399b65e7479a1978261

For more information contact Community Development on 6820 3000 or

This is a City of Albany run event proudly supported by Rio Tinto.

Maritime Festival 2024

Posted: Wednesday 12 June 2024

Ahoy, adventure seekers!

Set sail for a month of excitement at the Maritime Festival! From 28 June to 31 July, the City of Albany transforms into a hub of nautical fun.

Dive into our treasure trove of events now listed on our website:

Featuring an exciting lineup of events, from live music to art exhibitions, film screenings, markets, wine tastings, sailing opportunities, author talks, and activities for children like hunting for treasure – the Maritime Festival promises something for everyone.