Term 1 - Week 8

Week Eight

Posted: Sunday 26 March 2023

Fifth Sunday of Lent – hold on to faith.

Pray, fast and give alms - Students have been learning about Lent in Religious Education classes this Lenten season. We are encouraged to set aside time to share our hopes, joys, fears and frustrations with God through prayer, fasting reminds us of our hunger for God, and almsgiving means making the needs of other people our own.

I wish our swim teams in Secondary and Junior School all the best this week at the Inter-School carnivals this Tuesday and Wednesday. Thank you to the Staff and Certificate II students who will helping on the days out at ALAC.

Junior School Parent Interviews this week will provide parents with an opportunity to discuss areas of celebration and concern with classroom teachers. Please be mindful of the time allocated and if needed, continue important conversations at another time.

Code of Conduct – Students and Parents. This week I will be sending the Code of Conduct to parents. Every year, College staff sign off the Code, which outlines expectations and standards of school community members. I would encourage you to read through this document as it includes guidelines and examples for staff, students and parents.

I hope you have a great week.

St Joseph – Pray for Us.

Ms Rachael Keenan

Week Seven

Posted: Sunday 19 March 2023

Fourth Sunday of Lent – the greatest joy comes from seeing Jesus.

On Friday we celebrated St Joseph’s Day with a whole school Mass and fete. In both instances the light and joy of our school community shone brightly. Thank you to all those involved and especially to Mr Morcom, Mrs Palfrey, Fr Joel, Mr Gough and Mr Bogoni. How absolutely wonderful to have our College community gather again. Thank you to the parents who attended and joined in in the festivities.

It was a very busy Week Seven for our College. Years Three, Five, Seven and Nine began NAPLAN, which continues in Week Eight.

Our Associated and Catholic Colleges (ACC) swimming competition in Perth when swimmingly. The PE department have posted photos and their report on our Wisdom feed, but my sincere congratulations to the team who represented St Joseph’s. The commentator certainly has a soft-spot for us – thanks to the live feed on the day!

Our sensational Solar Car Challenge entrants made us proud at our very own gym last Thursday. We won both the Year Six and Eight divisions as well as third for the second Year Eight team. Thank you to the Science department for hosting and the Year Six teachers for preparing our teams in Science class lessons.

On Saturday night, St Joseph’s Staff and members of the School Advisory Council gathered at Holy Family Church for our Commissioning Mass. We were reminded of our mission and work at a Catholic school, and pledged our commitment to our students in their learning journeys.

On Tuesday night is the General Sacramental Meeting. Parents of Reconciliation/First Holy Communion/Confirmation students are kindly reminded to attend this special meeting in Holy Family Church (6pm).

Tuesday is also national Harmony Day. Students are encouraged to wear a splash of orange with their uniform. Alternatively, they may like to wear their national dress. I will be wearing traditional Filipino attire.

In the spirit of safety on the roads and fitness is Ride to School Day on Friday. The PE department have organised a bike ride to school and you are invited to participate.

Finally, today, the 19th of March, is St Joseph’s Day. May we all be inspired by the life of St Joseph’s and his humility. I always think of Joseph in the way in which he made his ordinary life extraordinary.

I hope you have a great week.

St Joseph – Pray for Us.

Ms Rachael Keenan

2023 Parent's and Friends EASTER RAFFLE

Whole School
Posted: Thursday 30 March 2023

P & F Easter Raffle

It's that time again! Please use the above link to purchase tickets or find the link on the P & F's Facebook page.

We are still happily and eagerly accepting donations! We appreciate your support.

Many thanks

P & F Committee

Ride to School Day 2023

Whole School
Posted: Friday 24 March 2023

This Morning SJC students gathered at Middelton Beach to partake in the 2023 Ride to School Day. This day promote safety on roads as well as providing an opportunity for students to be physically active in a fun, social setting.

We encourage students to continue to travel actively and safely to school when they can.

SJC Physical Education Department.

Annual School Fee Accounts

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 22 March 2023

Good afternoon Parents and Caregivers

The Annual School Fee Accounts were emailed to families today. If you failed to receive yours or if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Marion Leonhardt

Business Manager

Saint of the Week!

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 22 March 2023

Saint Joseph

Feast Day: March 19

Patron Saint of: Families


Joseph was the husband of Mary and the foster-father of Jesus. He was a good and patient man who always put himself before others. A carpenter by trade, Joseph was a man of action, someone who had complete trust in the Lord but above all, loved God and his family - a wonderful patron of our school and an example to us all of how an ordinary man can have an extra-ordinary love for others.


Saint Joseph, watch over me and care for me just as you cared for the child Jesus; and by your help, may I come to know your Son, and so grow in strength and wisdom and the favour of God. Amen. St Joseph, pray for us.

Mr Luke Bogoni - Religious Education Coordinator K-12

Project Compassion - Week 5

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 22 March 2023

For Project Compassion this week we hear Thu's story.

Living with a disability in rural Vietnam presented many challenges for Thu, who stepped on a land mine and lost his leg when he was 12 years old.

After facing many challenges, Thu was determined to turn life around for his family and joined the Empowerment of People with Disabilities program, run by Caritas. For Thu, the greatest impact the program has had is supporting his wife (Linh) who suffered from a stroke. With the support of a physiotherapist, Linh can now walk short distances with the aid of a walking stick. You can find his story here:

"Tapitas" will continue this Wednesday at lunchtime next to the Canteen stairs. Donate any spare change that you may have and display your name on our "running water" collage to showcase our commitment to this worthy cause.

With only three weeks remaining in the Lenten season, the College thanks you for your generous support of St Joseph's Day and Project Compassion with all proceeds going to support some of the most vulnerable people and places around the world.

God Bless,

Mr Luke Bogoni - Religious Education Coordinator K-12

Cycle to School Day is coming!

Whole School
Posted: Monday 20 March 2023

This Friday 24th March, St Joseph's College will join schools around the country in celebrating Cycle to School day. The day is a way to encourage safe, active transport to school and for students to realise what a fun and healthy activity it is.

The College Physical Education staff will be leading a guided ride from Middleton Beach to school for the Year 4-12 students. Students will assemble at 7.30am alongside the surf club at Middleton Beach. The group will cycle along the Middleton Beach cycle path, Griffiths St cycle path, Collingwood Rd cycle path and Rycraft Dve cycle path. Students will be supervised for all road crossings by staff, parents and Police.

Any parents who are available to assist by joining us on the ride are asked to contact Paul O'Donnell through the College office or via SEQTA messages.

Permission notes to participate in the event are available from the College PE staff or from the College office.

All students are welcome to cycle to school on the day and do not need to participate in the group ride from Middleton Beach.

General Sacramental Meeting

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 8 March 2023

Calling all parents whose students will be making the Sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation or Confirmation during 2023. The General Sacramental Meeting for parents will be held in Holy Family Church on Tuesday evening 21st March commencing at 6.00pm. The meeting is expected to last no longer than one hour. If you have not completed a Sacrament Initiation Registration Form and returned it, there will be copies available on the night for you to complete. Details of date and place of Baptism are required. If you have a Baptism Certificate it would be good for us to cite this. If you are unable to attend this meeting please let the Parish Office know on or myself, and so we can ensure information is passed on direct to you.

Chris Palfrey

Sacramental and Liturgy Co-ordinator St Joseph's College

Celebration of Talents (A Variety Show)

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 1 February 2023

Thank you for all your support to our College Production in the past few years. This year, we will be doing Celebration of Talents (A Variety Show). We know that we have lots of talents in the college that we can showcase and celebrate. Auditions will be on Term 2 Weeks 3 - 5 Thursdays (May 11, 18 and 25) from 3:30 - 4:30pm. It is open to all of college community members e.g. student, parents, family, staff. We would love to see you unleash your talents so start rehearsing now and see you on the auditions. Thank you in advance for all your support!

Mr Richard Habal, Ms Hiedi Rowe and Mr Mark Collins

Event Coordinators

Destiny Rescue Incursion

Secondary School
Posted: Monday 27 March 2023

Last Friday, our Year Eleven and Twelve students had the opportunity to hear from Darren Reynolds of Destiny Rescue Australia. Destiny Rescue is a Christian organisation that works to abolish human slavery and trafficking around the world. Founded in 2001, the Charity has rescued over 11,000 people from all parts of the world and continues to do so today. The purpose of this incursion was to provide our students with an opportunity to learn about these issues and what they can do to help fight them.

As part of the Religion and Life course, the Year 11 and 12 students study displacement, social issues, and the fight for justice. This experience was both educational and informative, opening the students’ eyes to the world and providing them with an opportunity to learn about the interplay that occurs between religion, societies, and people.

We thank Darren for sharing his experiences with us and showing us how his faith continues to guide him as he lives out his vocation today.

Mr Luke Bogoni - Religious Education Coordinator K-12

3YO Kindy - What a wonderful world!

Junior School
Posted: Friday 24 March 2023

It is always such a joy visiting 3YO Kindy and seeing the youngest children at our College hard at play. Through play, children engage with the people, places and objects around them to form their understanding of the world and how they fit into it. Play is critical for early childhood development and helps to develop 21st century skills such as collaboration, creativity and communication in children. Thank you to Mrs Davey and Mrs Dallimore for providing such creative and interesting playful learning experiences. What a wonderful world it is in 3YO Kindy!

Mrs Michelle Lister

Head of Junior School - Early Learning

Maths is Mint

Junior School
Posted: Wednesday 22 March 2023

Heze, Ben, Lenny & Vaughn from Year 2 love Maths! They are little dynamos with numbers and are currently learning multiplication of 2 digits by 1 digit! It is a tricky concept to master but they are giving it their best!

The boys enjoy challenging themselves when they come into Mrs Loveridge's little classroom and are always full of excited chatter as they help each other work through the answers to some pretty complex sums!

They are also learning their multiplication tables at home to help when they come to class.

Great work boys!

Naplan Year 3-6 2023

Junior School
Posted: Tuesday 14 March 2023

Dear Parents of Year Three and Five Students,

Starting this year, the Naplan Assessments have been moved forward to Term 1. The dates below will be used for the testing of students. In most cases, the assessments will be conducted in the morning of each testing day.

Week 7

Wednesday March 15, Writing

Thursday March 16, Reading

Week 8

Monday March 20, Language Conventions

Tuesday March 21, Numeracy

Following this, Catch-up sessions will take place if students have missed assessments for some reason.

Apart from Year Three Writing, students will complete all tests on the College laptops. 

Please ensure your child has a working set of ear buds or headphones.

If you have any further queries regarding Naplan, please contact me via Direct message.


Jim Morcom

Head of Junior School Year 3-6

Southern Districts Junior Football

Posted: Sunday 19 March 2023

Registration Link: Albany Auskick Centre - PP - Y2

Registration Link: SDJFA Albany (Y3-Y8)

Rovers U13 and U14

Posted: Sunday 19 March 2023

Barking Gecko

Posted: Sunday 19 March 2023

Dental Therapy Centre

Posted: Friday 17 March 2023

Spencer Park Dental Therapy Centre offers free dental examinations, oral care advice, preventative, restorative and emergency treatment for children from pre-primary to Year 11.

Enrolment forms will soon be issued to your child if he/she has recently changed schools or enrolled in Pre-Primary, please return the forms by Monday 3rd April if you wish to use our service.

Parents of enrolled students are reminded to contact the centre to update your details if you have moved in the last few years. All appointments are posted home and many are returned due to incorrect addresses, this means that your child misses out on their dental visit. If you no longer intend to use our service please let us know as soon as possible as your valuable appointment could be taken up by someone else. You can call us on 9841 3967 or send us an email to Unfortunately the centre does not have reception staff so please leave a message and we will sort out your request as soon as we can.

Youth Week Events

Posted: Friday 17 March 2023

Teen Online Relationships Event

Posted: Sunday 12 March 2023

The Albany Public Library is running an event aimed at parents or caregivers to give guidance on supporting young people with online relationships.

Topics include:

  1. how to support young people to have safe and respectful online relationships
  2. what to do when something happens at school and ends up on social media or private messaging apps
  3. how to report to social media platforms and eSafety.

Bookings are essential via Events | City of Albany Libraries (

2023 Junior Soccer

Posted: Sunday 12 March 2023

Registrations are now open for Pre-Primary to Year Six Players.

To register, visit

Registrations close 31 March