Term 1 - Week 10

Week Ten

Posted: Friday 7 April 2023

Good Friday – Pope Francis’ advice for Holy Week: “Look to the cross, our hope is there”.

Simple, profound words, which I take to heart and try to live by.

As Term One ends, I sincerely thank all members of the St Joseph’s College community for their support and efforts. I look forward to continuing accompanying the students and staff in their faith, learning and teaching journeys next term.

Wishing you all a very blessed and Holy Easter.

St Joseph – Pray for Us.

Ms Rachael Keenan

Week Nine

Posted: Sunday 2 April 2023

Palm Sunday – the beginning of the Passion of Jesus.

We now enter the most holy week of the year for Catholics and the challenge for us is to make sense of everything that will unfold. In all Religious Education classes across the College, students will be learning about the Paschal Triduum or “Three Days” beginning with Holy Thursday and closing with Easter Sunday – celebrating Christ’s passage through death and to new life.

Families are welcome to join us for our annual Easter Liturgy on Thursday at 2.15pm in the College gym.

Thank you to the Junior School parents who attended interviews with classroom teachers last week. For Secondary School, Interim Reports will be made available via SEQTA on Thursday. Parents will have the opportunity to meet with teachers in Term Two, Week Two.

A reminder to Secondary School that Terms Two and Three will require students to wear the College winter uniform. For all students, the College tie must be worn. For Senior students (Year Ten to Twelve), the College blazer.

Term Two resumes Monday 24 April. ANZAC Day (public holiday) falls on the Tuesday, but we hope to have excellent participation by St Joseph’s students at the York Street parade.

Last call for both Easter eggs donations and ticket sales for the wonderful P&F Easter fundraiser. Thank you to the P&F who run the raffle with such enthusiasm and aplomb!

Term One is almost done! Have a wonderful Week Ten.

St Joseph – Pray for Us.

Ms Rachael Keenan

Stations of the Cross by Year 9 Drama Students

Whole School
Posted: Thursday 6 April 2023

Thank you to Mr Bogoni for letting the Year 9 Drama students present the Stations of the Cross to the College. They did not only use their skills in Drama performance but also learnt to reflect what Jesus had gone through in His Passion and Death. These photos were taken during their rehearsals. Happy Easter everyone!

Mr Richard Habal

Drama Teacher

Swim carnival and swim club sausage sizzle

Whole School
Posted: Thursday 6 April 2023

On Thursday lunch time the students who had represented the College at swim carnivals this term or swum with Saints swim club celebrated a successful term of swimming with a sausage sizzle lunch. Thanks to the swim club coaches Mr Ben Kagi, Mr Mola and Mr O'Donnell for their dedication to training the team. We look forward to great attendance continuing at training next term.

Hero Day

Whole School
Posted: Thursday 6 April 2023

The Superheros were out in force for our first annual Hero Day at St. Joseph's, all to raise awareness of youth mental health and to raise money for the zero2hero Foundation - a WA based organisation aiming to prevent youth suicide and promote wellbeing in young people. Heros ranged from icons in popular culture (we ran into multiple Batmans, Spidermans, Hogwarts magicians, and other characters from the multiverse) to the real life heros we all know, admire and appreciate, like mums, dads, doctors, diggers, paramedics, sporting stars and teachers, (like Mr Probert, Mrs Landells and Ms Lewis to name a few...). To add to the excitement Princess Kate Middleton turned up in Modern History to teach students about what it's really like in 'The Firm' and Jean Claude Van Dam put students through their heavy work, giving Mr Picard a much needed break.

The day brought smiles all around and together students raised $381 for the zero2hero foundation! Thank you very much for your enthusiasm and support for this event.

Mrs. Dechief

Booking for the Variety Show Audition is NOW OPEN

Whole School
Posted: Thursday 6 April 2023

We are hearing lots of people in our College Community planning to audition for the Celebration of Talents (A Variety Show) so make sure you BOOK your audition now by filling in the audition form and hand them in to Mr Habal, Ms Rowe or Mr Collins. Here is the link of the audition form. Celebration of Talents (A Variety Show) 2023 Audition Form.docx See you all next term in Weeks 3, 4 or 5 for the audition from 3:20 - 4:20pm.

Mr Richard Habal, Ms Hiedi Rowe and Mr Mark Collins

Event Coordinators

Mini Book Reviews

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 5 April 2023


Author: Helen Anderson

Illustrator: Stuart Lynch

"He's tiny" "The pictures are good and we like rhyming books"

Indiana and Eloise

Dr Seuss books

"I like Dr Suess because the books rhyme. If I was to suggest one to read... I would suggest you read them all"


Uniform Shop Opening

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 5 April 2023

Week 1 Term 2

Open Monday 24 April from 8.15am - 9.30am .

Closed Tuesday 25 April - Public Holiday

Open Wednesday 26 April 2.15pm - 4.00pm

Updated Price List

Easter Raffle Results

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 5 April 2023

Congratulations to the following 130 prize winners and thank you so much for everybody's support! We raised an incredible $3,422!

Shamara Letter

Kelly Pievaioli

Lara Panizza

Michelle Sivwright

Andrea Hyde

Hudson Fleck

Joanne Parker

Nicole Knuiman

Gabi Vrbasso

Tracey Pountney

Rhiannon Deluis

Ashley Whiting

Hayley Noakes

Courtney Keymer

Amanda D’Alesio

Shamara Letter

Kylie Dallimore

Catherine Naughton

Kareena Smart

Melissa Tasila

April Page

Nicole House

Jessie Leon

Cleo Hudson

Jen Grimes

Logan Leonetti

Tracey Pountney

Alexandra Plunkett

Angela Gorman

Louise D’Addario

Scott Reynard

Ebony Ferry

Rhianna Bransby

Nicole Knuiman

Ally Plunkett

Jackson Fleck

Ally Plunkett

Amanda Thornton

Noah Piercey

Marinela Vanni

Christine Hunter

Tracey Pountney

Christine Hunter

Jaxon Hobbs

Kyrra Turner

Lenny Davey

Jane Cook

Matthew Thompson

Logan Leonetti

Jenny Yap

Kylie Dallimore

Jessica Milson

Shirree Hughes

Kelly Meyer

Michelle McLean

Stimy Santo

Jessie Leon

Ingrid Hall

Kate Mitchell

Rachel Pieper

Helena Cooper

Emily Goodall

Nicole Knuiman

Kylie Dallimore

Jane Cook

Jessie Leon

Olivia Orzel

Coop Davey

Lorna Cassell

Karina Hick

Lorella Leonetti

Will Panizza

Logan Leonetti

Rhys Holden

Lisa Hogan

Deborah Smith

Lorella Leonetti

Ally Plunkett

Jessica Cramer

Jodie Puls

Sarah Hilder

Kirsty Lockyer

Tanja Crnobrnja

April Page

Ashley Whiting

Dave Polette

Ally Plunkett

Phoenix Mcloed

Deborah Smith

Alyssa Forgione

Jennifer Jeffs

Rochelle Coyne

Jessie Leon

Kelly Pievaioli

Jenny Yap

Lorella Leonetti

Isabelle Macaulay

Lisa Hogan

Joanna Jaucian

April Page

Lily Wilson

Sophie Burns

Kaitlyn Allen

Cieanne Carter

Cath Veitch

Janelle Spinks

Marion Leonhardt

Ally Plunkett

Tiff West

Amanda Thompson

Chloe Picard

Joanna Jaucian

Chloe Picard

Cameron Hyde

Jessica Hyde

Angela Gorman

Amy Dawson

Shirree Hughes

Kristy Lockyer

Kyrra Turner

Tracey Pountney

Dayna Davey

Lorinda Bennett

Zoe Mcilwaine

Mick Thompson

Ally Plunkett

Amanda D’Alesio

Kate Mitchell

Rhiannon Deluis

Prizes have been delivered to classrooms or winners contacted.

Thanks again. The P & F wish everyone a very safe and happy Easter and holiday break!

Easter Surprises!

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 5 April 2023

On Friday, the Year Twos had the lovely surprise of the Year Elevens helping them make pop-up Easter cards! Although the cards were pretty tricky to make, the Year Twos did a fantastic job, especially with following instructions and keeping their helpers on task.

Today, just as the Year Elevens were settling into their work for Religion, there was a knock at the classroom door. This time it was the Year Twos' turn to surprise the Year Elevens. Through the door came some of the Year Twos with an Easter card for the Year Elevens. They then took a buddy outside and read a story in the sunshine before a quick game of soccer and some cartwheels to end the day. It was wonderful to see the classes helping each other and spending time together!

Year 9 Creating with Textiles

Whole School
Posted: Monday 3 April 2023

This term one of the projects to make in Creating with Textiles class was a pair of shorts. Students chose their material, measured themselves, cut their shorts from a pattern and the results were some amazing shorts. They all look fabulous and should be very proud of themselves.

Mrs D. Trahair

Home Economics Teacher

Saint of the Week!

Whole School
Posted: Monday 3 April 2023

Saint John Baptist de La Salle

Feast Day: April 7

Patron Saint of: Educators/ Teachers


Coming from a wealthy family, John had it all - money, status, good looks and an education, but he felt God had more in store for him. After becoming a Priest at 27, he became interested in starting schools for poor youth. John threw himself into the work and devoted his life to the poor. He came across a lot of resistance but never gave up in his goal to prepare teachers to promote the Christian message. He died in 1719 at the age of 68.


Most Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we call on you today to bless all students at our school; bless their families, too. Help our homes be places of trust and hope, peace and love, just as your home must have been. We pray for families who are hurting right now because of loneliness, arguments, unemployment, addictions, divorce or death; Lord, send them the help they need. Send us the heavenly and earthly guardian angels that our families need to find healing and a return of happiness. St John Baptist de La Salle, pray for us.

Project Compassion - Week 7

Whole School
Posted: Monday 3 April 2023

As we begin Holy Week, we continue to reflect on the lives of people vulnerable to extreme poverty and injustice and how we can respond through supporting Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion appeal. Your generosity is the pebble that allows Caritas Australia to create the ripples that will improve the livelihoods of vulnerable communities, supporting them to flourish and create opportunities for future generations to live to their full potential. 

As part of Caritas' launch of Project Compassion for 2023, St Joseph's College has been featured in their launch booklet this year with images of our leaders and action plan showcased - we look forward to taking part again in 2024.

A reminder that our last day for 'Tapitas' and any final donations will be this Wednesday. On behalf of the College I thank you for your enormous generosity and support throughout this Lenten season and hope that you have a safe and Holy Easter!

Mr Luke Bogoni - Religious Education Coordinator K-12

Year 6 8 Synergy Solar Car Challenge

Whole School
Posted: Friday 31 March 2023

The Synergy Schools Solar Challenge is a joint initiative between Synergy and the Science Teachers’ Association of WA (STAWA) held annually to engage students in STEM and renewable energy concepts through the activity of building small solar powered cars to race. As part of their learning in science, students built these cars to race against their peers and to learn more about energy efficiency. Additionally, student teams with the quickest builds from the Year 6 and Year 8 classes were then selected to compete with the best builders from other schools from the Great Southern region in the Synergy Solar Car Challenge.

On March 16th, St Joseph’s College was lucky enough to host the Solar Challenge on our home turf. Due to the temperamental Albany weather the Solar car challenge was moved indoors, though luckily students had prepared to wire up batteries to the car motor. The teams were tasked with building a solar operated car in 40 minutes after which they would go head-to-head racing the cars along a 20m strip. After many close calls, pit-stop battery swaps and disconnected wires, the finals came around. St Joseph’s College was not only represented in both Year 6 and 8 divisions as finalists, but also took home both division’s 1st place trophies due to some excellent car builds from the teams.

St Joseph’s College has also developed quite the reputation, winning three consecutive Solar Challenges, so there’s a bit of pressure on future teams to keep the title. However, the students always have a fantastic time interacting with other schools, cheering on their friends and challenging themselves to rapidly solve any problems which arise during the competition. Here’s hoping the teams at the next Solar Challenge have just as much of a good time.

Taste of Harmony - Staff Lunch

Whole School
Posted: Friday 31 March 2023

On Thursday staff were encouraged to bring a meal to share for lunch as part of the 'Taste of Harmony' initiative. Taste of Harmony is a celebration of cultural diversity, using food as a way of bringing people together and to learn about each other's cultural heritage. Sitting down and sharing a meal, helping with serving and cleaning and chatting with each other was a wonderful way for the staff to check in on each other and catch up with people we may not get to spend time with. We all agree that lunch-time needed to be longer and that Mr Polette makes an incredible Pulled Pork Taco. What I learned about us is that we all love dessert. There was an entire table of it!! It was agreed that we should do a shared lunch each term. Everyone had a wonderful time trying all the different dishes that the staff had prepared and learning a bit about each other. We are also now well informed on the world wide problem of fork and spoon disappearance in workplaces.

One Week Left!

Whole School
Posted: Thursday 30 March 2023

P & F Easter Raffle

One week left to purchase tickets! The raffle will be drawn NEXT WEDNESDAY morning!

Gotta be in it to win it! See link below, visit the P & F's Facebook page or use the QR code.

We appreciate your support!

Celebration of Talents (A Variety Show)

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 1 February 2023

Thank you for all your support to our College Production in the past few years. This year, we will be doing Celebration of Talents (A Variety Show). We know that we have lots of talents in the college that we can showcase and celebrate. Auditions will be on Term 2 Weeks 3 - 5 Thursdays (May 11, 18 and 25) from 3:30 - 4:30pm. It is open to all of college community members e.g. student, parents, family, staff. We would love to see you unleash your talents so start rehearsing now and see you on the auditions. Thank you in advance for all your support!

Mr Richard Habal, Ms Hiedi Rowe and Mr Mark Collins

Event Coordinators

Poptastic Popcorn

Junior School
Posted: Tuesday 28 March 2023

Popcorn Recount

Today Mrs Naughton and Miss McCann's Year Two classes did something a bit different in their Literacy session!

We watched popcorn being made and discussed the various steps we needed to follow to end up with a big, yummy lot of freshly cooked popcorn.

After we watched the popcorn maker make batch after batch of delicious popcorn, everyone waited patiently to fill their bags before going outside to enjoy their sneaky snack! We then went back into the classroom and worked hard on recounting the steps that we watched and recorded everything in our beautiful writing!

We shared our leftover popcorn with the Kindy class!

Thank you to the P & F for lending us their popcorn maker.

Headspace BEST Program - Term 2

Posted: Thursday 6 April 2023

Headspace Albany’s Behaviour Exchange and System Therapy (BEST) program is now taking bookings for Term 2.

The free 8 week program runs every term for family/parents of young people aged between 12 to 25 years old. The weekly sessions are held every Wednesday evening from 5pm to 6.30pm.

The BEST program suits families who are worried about the mental health or hard times experienced by their young person and are looking for ways to help as a parent.

Call headspace Albany on 9842 9871 for more information or to register. 

FREE Fathering 101 course

Posted: Thursday 6 April 2023

FREE Fathering 101 course sponsored by WANSLEA WA available to all fathers and father figures.

Link to our Facebook Event:

When: Thursday 11 May


Where: Royals Football Club

Lockyer Ave, Albany

Register here >>

Winter Cross Country Season - Albany Athletics Club

Posted: Thursday 6 April 2023

We'll run and walk on Sunday mornings from 16th April until 23rd September at 8 beautiful outdoor locations in and around the city of Albany including National Parks, Reserves and private farmland. We offer running and walking options of approx. 2km, 4km or 6km distances for adults and juniors aged 6 years and above. Courses are well marked and events are timed by the Club. 

Registration fees are low. Senior and Junior Memberships are only $65 for approx. 20 Cross Country events, with current Albany Little Athletics members receiving a $50 discount rate.

For more information about our Winter Cross Country season people can head to our website .

CinefestOZ Albany FREE Kinjarling Koort community event

Posted: Thursday 6 April 2023

CinefestOZ Albany program includes several FREE events perfect for school staff, students and families:

1 - (Thu 27 April) Authentic Storytelling, with Dot West, south west Noongar writer with over 30 years in the media industry. This session is for Educators as Professional Development and also Community groups. Info and bookings here:


2 - (Sat 29 April) Kinjarling Koort featuring IndigifestOZ.


The festival is only 3 weeks away, and we look forward to seeing the community involved with the exciting and diverse program on offer. 

Tickets are on sale now:

Denmark Arts - Youth Arts Gathering

Posted: Sunday 2 April 2023

Please visit the link below for more information.

Upcoming Events | Denmark Arts Council

Murdoch University - Year 11 and 12 Exploration Day

Posted: Friday 31 March 2023

Summary: Hands-on workshops and tours for Year 11&12 students to explore the various courses offered at Murdoch

Date and Time: Tuesday - Wednesday 11th-12th April 9am-3pm

Venue: Murdoch University South Street campus

*Registration is essential

Dental Therapy Centre - School Holidays

Posted: Friday 31 March 2023

Spencer Park Dental Therapy Centre will be CLOSED from Friday 7th April, re-opening Thursday 13th April. If you have a dental emergency during our closure please contact Albany General Dental Clinic Phone: 9842 2211.

All appointments are now sent to your home address. If you have moved in the last few years we may not have your correct address and your child could miss out on their check-up. If you no longer intend to use our service please let us know as soon as possible as your valuable appointment could be given to someone in need. Your child is eligible to attend a Dental Therapy Centre from ages 5 to 17. Don’t forget to return your enrolment forms to your school by Monday 3rd April.

Please contact us to update your details either by phone: 9841 3967 or e-mail: spencerparkdtc@

The staff at Spencer Park Dental Therapy Centre would like to wish all children and parents a happy and safe break J

AG Institute Careers Night

Posted: Friday 31 March 2023

Summary: Academics will be there talking to students about careers and study opportunities in Animal Health, Animal Science, Crop & Pasture Science, Biosecurity, plus pathways to transfer to Veterinary Science.

Date and Time: Wednesday 5th April 6pm

Venue: Claremont Showgrounds