Term 4 - Week 4

From the Principal - Term 4, Week 4

Posted: Friday 3 November 2023

Sorry for the pause on my Principal articles. Thank you to the mums who asked me where I have been!

This week I thought I would share the origins of our College Crest. I talked about this at the Secondary School Presentation Night. Our crest was designed in 1984 by Mrs Iris Rosen after consultation with important members of the St Joseph’s College community. The key design generators were:

The sailing history of Albany.

The shield as a symbol of shelter and protection. 

The shield as a symbol of leadership.

The hull or crucible at the bottom to carry the community as it sails through rough seas and challenges.

The form of the Cross, the symbol of Christ, in the mast and spars/poles.

The spars are representative of paths leading into the school and gathering a community united by faith and purpose.

The spars also represent paths out into the broader community to “go out into the world and spread the Word.”

The crest is a reminder of many important things and perhaps one more…For me, the journey by boat by our original founders - the French Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition and Irish Christian Brothers in the 1870s to Australia. It was a perilous journey undertaken by a very brave band of young men and women committed to the service of others. Quiet, amazing, humble people. 

The College crest reminds us to be brave and courageous in all that we do for the good of those we encounter in life and for God.

I hope when you now see the crest on your uniform, badges, letterheads, Wisdom page, you see it with different eyes. So much history and future dreams and well-wishes are captured. We are all part of the fabric of St Joseph’s College.

St Joseph – Pray for us.

Saint of the Week!

Whole School
Posted: Monday 6 November 2023

Saint Didacus

Feast Day: November 7

Patron Saint of: San Diego, California


Born in 1400, Didacus (Diego in spanish) joined the Franciscan Order and lived for some time as a hermit. He was very generous with the poor and charitable to everyone volunteering for missionary work in different parts of the world including Rome and the Canary Islands. San Diego, California is named after this Franciscan who died on November 12, 1463 and was canonized a Saint in 1588.


Didacus is a saint because he used his life to serve God and God's people. Can we say the same for ourselves? Saint Didacus, pray for us.

St Joseph's Cup

Whole School
Posted: Friday 3 November 2023

The Annual St Joseph's Cup will be run and won on Tuesday November 7 at 12.00pm on the Cunningham lawns. there will also be a fancy hat parade so get your special hat out for that! Come and watch the Year Six and Year One students go through their paces. Parents welcome.

Parish Event

Whole School
Posted: Friday 3 November 2023

Vinnies Christmas Appeal Launch 2023!

Whole School
Posted: Friday 3 November 2023

Each year, the staff, students and families of St Joseph's College generously support St Vincent de Paul (Vinnies) in their annual Christmas Appeal. With the cost-of-living increasing, Vinnies focus on assisting the vulnerable in our community whom may be struggling financially or facing other challenges in their lives as we approach the Advent season.

As we prepare for the birth of Jesus, we are called to reflect upon how we can bring a little hope, peace, joy, and love to those around us. St Joseph's College works to assist those less fortunate in our community through our annual Christmas appeal. Collection boxes will be in each classroom and homeroom for any non-perishable food items that you wish to donate. This year Vinnies has asked for more of the following, if possible:

  1. Christmas puddings, cakes and fruit mince pies
  2. Long life custard and milk cartons
  3. Cereal, chips, and sweet and savory biscuits
  4. Long life Juice cartons
  5. Canned Vegetables

For more information or if you would like to make a monetary donation to the Society, please visit:

On behalf of St Joseph's College, I would like to thank you all for your generosity and commitment each and every year. For many people, Christmas is about creating precious memories with family and friends and your support will ensure that this upcoming festive season is far less stressful for some of the families in our local community.

Mr Luke Bogoni - Religious Education Coordinator

Reaching for Great Heights!

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 1 November 2023

The College is so proud of Demi Y10 - she is the fastest 15 year old over 400m in WA! This week she featured on ABC news. Please copy/follow the link to read more.

Saint of the Week!

Whole School
Posted: Monday 30 October 2023

All Saints

Solemnity: November 1

The Story of the Solemnity of All Saints:

The earliest observance of a feast in honour of all the saints was an early fourth-century commemoration of "all the martyrs." who had died for their Christian faith. While this feast first honoured martyrs, it was only later when Christians were free to worship that the Church acknowledged other paths to sanctity. This feast honours all of the saints, the obscure, the famous and even those that are unknown. Whatever their story, one constant remains, these were all ordinary mean and women who all did extra-ordinary things.


Lord, we celebrate all those who are in Heaven, in the light of your face - both those recognised by the Church and those known only to you. We ask for their intercession and we strive to follow their example, so that we too can fulfill our vocation to be saints. All Saints, pray for us.

St Joseph's College Prefects' Trivia and Family Fun Night

Whole School
Posted: Monday 30 October 2023

The 2023 Prefects will be running a College community trivia night on Thursday, November 16th, commencing at 6 pm in the Gymnasium. Tables of up to six people, at $60 per table. BYO food, no alcohol. Games will be played between rounds, with gold coin contributions to participate. Come along and enjoy the fun!

Tickets can be purchased at:


Presentation Night

Secondary School
Posted: Tuesday 31 October 2023

The St Joseph's College Secondary community gathered to hold its annual Presentation Night on Wednesday in the College Gymnasium. The night started with a moving and thought-provoking liturgy to worship our patron, St Joseph. Immediately following the liturgy, the Secondary School Choir, led by Sue Findlay, pleased the crowd with their angelic voices. Steve Dougherty's music students then followed by pumping out some serious tunes by the likes of Wolfmother.

After the entertainment concluded, it was time to recognise the amazing efforts from students throughout the year, culminating in the award of ATAR Dux, Jack Tran and VET Dux, Judson Lowson.

The Head of Pastoral Care introduced the Prefects for 2024 with particular mention for our new Head Prefects, Smriti Keerthana Gowtham and Lachlan Gorman.

To wrap up the night, the outgoing Head Prefects gave a farewell speech, and the Year Twelve Students were presented their graduation certificates.

Thank you to our sponsors, staff and especially the St Joseph's College community, for coming together to make it a very memorable night.

Year Five Camp

Junior School
Posted: Monday 30 October 2023

On Thursday and Friday of Week 3, the Year Five students attended their annual overnight camp at the College. There were many highlights, including the ‘Amazing Race Scavenger Hunt’ throughout the Albany central business district. After the students completed each quiz section, their group was awarded a letter. At the end of the race, the students came together and put their letters together to make a special work – Cooperation. It was pleasing to see all groups complete this task. Many thanks to the parents who assisted to make this task possible.

We then spent the afternoon at Middleton Beach and Eyre Park, where we did some Christian service, completing a beach clean up. This was followed by a sand-castle competition, where the standard was very high! Some groups created marine animals, typical sand castles, to intricate cities.

Later that evening, selected students paraded their outfits they sourced from St Vincent De Paul in a fashion parade. It was hilarious to see some students dress as College teachers and boys dress in frocks and strut their style and accessories on the ‘catwalk’. To conclude Thursday's activities, we had a quiz night, which had rounds focusing on Albany, sport, trivia to name a few.

Friday began with an early morning run and fitness session. The students were then bussed to Wacky Golf, where they completed the various courses and other games and activities. We then enjoyed a barbecue lunch which was cooked and served by the students. It was pleasing to see the leadership on camp, with many students stepping up and offering to help with various tasks. The students and staff all went home tired, but content with many happy memories of a wonderful camp. Many thanks to the staff involved, and to parents who supplied us with plenty of yummy food!

Innovative well-being program for teenage girls

Posted: Friday 3 November 2023

The University of Newcastle is conducting research to develop a well-being program to improve teenage girls' physical and mental health, as well as support fathers to nurture their bond with their daughters.

We are hopeful this program will achieve similar success to our multi-award winning Daughters and Dads Active and Empowered program which targets primary school aged girls and their fathers for improved wellbeing, sports skills and physical activity.

We have developed a short survey for high school aged girls to complete and another one for father/father figures of high school aged girls. The surveys ask questions about well-being, sport, physical activity and family relationships and have been approved by the University of Newcastle Human Research Ethics Committee.

Dads of high-school aged girls.

Have your say in developing a program that aims to enhance the father-daughter connection & wellbeing of your teenage daughter.

Complete a 10-minute online survey -

Chance to win one of 6 x $50 gift vouchers!

Parents of high school aged girls, we need you!

Register your daughter to complete a survey to help us develop a program to support teenage girls’ wellbeing, physical and mental health

Your daughter will go in the draw to win one of 6 x $50 gift vouchers!

Recruitment Opportunities - Talent Register

Posted: Friday 3 November 2023


A position is available within the Department of Communities - Housing for a school leaver to be based in Albany, work business hours and earn a great wage!

The role is as a Customer Service Officer, Level 2, with a starting wage of $70, 432 per annum and includes four weeks of annual leave, five additional leave days and 15 days of personal leave, plus a range of other great benefits.

This is a fantastic opportunity to be trained on the job, build your skills, and be part of something bigger.

You don’t need to be pursuing a future career in the housing industry to be suitable for this role.

We have had school leavers complete a gap year of work, then progress to further university or other study, with the option to transfer to an office in the same Department in a different region. We have flexible work options in multiple locations and the opportunity to try different roles.

For further information or to apply, please contact Meg Slattery at or 6414 2183 or visit the link below.

PRSC Dinghy Sailing Program commencing 4 November

Posted: Thursday 26 October 2023

Off the Beach Sail Training Program. Sailing provides such a rich and interesting experience for those children and teens who take it up.

What's on at the Museum of the Great Southern in November

Posted: Wednesday 25 October 2023

Museum of the Great Southern Events

SCREENAGERS Under the Influence

Posted: Wednesday 25 October 2023

Screenagers Under The Influence Presented By Parenting Connection Great Southern Region.

Join us for a FREE movie event fromthe comfort of your own home!

'SCREENAGERS:Under the Influence' For parents and tweens/teens 10 years+

On demand viewing:

Watch anytime between

Mon 16 Oct to Mon 30 Oct 2023


Watch the trailer

Saver Plus – Term 4 Promotion

Posted: Thursday 19 October 2023

Term 4 Saver Plus promotion

Local Job Opportunities - IGA Spencer Park York St IGA

Posted: Tuesday 10 October 2023

IGA Spencer Park & IGA York St are currently looking for casual staff to join the team. They are seeking friendly, enthusiastic workers for various positions in the family-owned supermarkets.

Applicants will be required to have:

- A strong moral work ethic with a mature outlook

- Show a strong focus on customer service

- An ability to gain knowledge & skills quickly

- Self-motivated and enthusiastic personality

- Good personal presentation

- Reliability & Trustworthiness

- Display a passion for the grocery retail industry

Key responsibilities will be dependent on the position applying for. The successful applicants will contribute to the growth/success of our store and will enjoy working as part of a team.

Works hours are flexible depending on the position of employment and the requirements of the store. If you think you would make a great fit, please email your resume to

If you have any questions, please contact the office on 0898423690.

2024 TCWA Apprentice Recruitment

Posted: Wednesday 13 September 2023

TCWA are pleased to advise that we are now actively recruiting for our next round of Heavy Vehicle Mechanic Apprentices to join our Albany team, for an early 2024 start.

Grease is the WORD! presented by Albany Light Opera and Theatre Company

Posted: Monday 4 September 2023

A wop bop a lu mop a wop bam boom! ‘Grease is the Word’ for ALOTCo in 2023!

If you've loved Grease since you first saw it on the big screen or fell in love with one of the stage revivals ... Throw your mittens around your kittens and away we go ….

It's 1959 and Rydell High Seniors are in fine form - the too-cool-for-school Pink Ladies and T-Birds rule.

At times crass, tough, vulnerable, lusty, and romantic, Grease the musical follows ten working class teens as they navigate the complexities of peer pressure, personal values and love. It's not all about Sandy and Danny. The focus of this production will be developing a strong ensemble performance that takes the audience back to gritty roots of Grease before the highly polished, but beloved film version.

Adult themes.

Presented by

Albany Light Opera and Theatre Company


Albany Port Theatre, 256 Princess Royal Drive (Opposite the Boatshed)

Parking encouraged at the Boatsheds across the road.

Director: Fiona Kuiper

Assistant Director: Janet McArtney

Musical Directors: Cathy Rainey & Donna Markovic

Choreographers: Lachy McLean & Kelly Seaton

Row Seating ONLY - Tickets

$40 general & $35 child/student/concession Companion Card honoured

12 shows, only 4 Matinees

Doors open half an hour before performance

Fri 20, Sat 21 - 7:30pm, Sun 22 October- Matinee 2pm

Fri 27, Sat 28 - 7:30pm, Sun 29 October - Matinee 2pm

Fri 3, Sat 4 - 7:30pm, Sun 5 November - Matinee 2pm

Fri 10, Sat 11 - 7:30pm, Sun 12 November - Matinee 2pm

Wheelchairs/Carers - Albany Port Theatre

  1. Suitable row seating are: A19 & A20 (side front) and J Row (8). Call Janet 0401 203 557 to let us know when and where you have booked, so we can ensure your access to your seat will be smooth.
  2. Has accessible parking, a limited accessible toilet and a ramp access.

Kiosk Open

Sells hot/cold drinks, packet chips, chocolates and ice-creams before the performance and at Interval. Cash and Eftpos available.

COVIDSafe – all government mandates to be honoured

ATAR Exam Boost, ATAR Holiday Revision Courses and Year 7 - 10 Holiday Skills Development Courses

Posted: Thursday 10 August 2023

Please find information about Academic Task Force - Year 11 & 12 ATAR Exam Boost Workshops and ATAR holiday Revision Courses and Years 7 - 10 Skills Development Courses.

October School Holiday Courses - ­Enrolments Open


ATAR Holiday Revision Courses for Years 11 & 12

ATAR Revision Courses will help your child revise and prepare for exams, maximizing their exam performance and grades. We offer 10-hour ATAR Revision courses (2 hrs a day, over 5 days) in most ATAR subjects including Essay Writing and Study Skills courses.


Courses available at Churchlands SHS, Leeming SHS and Online


Enrol Online: or Call 9314 9500 or Email:

Skills Development Courses for Years 7 - 10

Skills Development Courses will help boost your child’s confidence and help improve your child’s marks.

Each course is 6-hours (3 hrs a day for two days) in Maths, English, Essay Writing and Learning Skills.


Courses available at Perth Modern School


Enrol Online: or Call 9314 9500 or Email:

Term 3 & 4 – Exam Boost Workshops - ­Enrolments Open


Exam Boost Workshops for Years 11 - 12

Exam Boost Workshops delivers subject-specific, targeted, exam preparation in the weeks leading up to exams. In one day, each workshop packs in 6 hours of exam focused teaching from a WACE exam marker, workshops are specially designed to improve students' exam technique and performance.


Courses available at Churchlands SHS, Rossmoyne SHS, Perth Modern School and Online

To enrol: