Term 2 - Week 11

Week 10 done, Week 11 here we come!

Posted: Sunday 23 June 2024

What a busy week! The perfect bookend to Week 10 was FRIDAY - students and staff embraced the sentiment of Zero2Hero Day by dressing up as their hero. JS assembly run by our delightful Year 1s. Students from Year 5-10 competed in the Have Sum Fun mathematics competition - our Year 5/6 team won first place and Year 7/8 came third. The Year 12 bonfire was illuminated by the winter solstice moon, and Mr Dougherty's musicians entertained family and friends into the night.

As mentioned in my article last week, our final week is shaping up to be a busy but enjoyable end to Term Two.

  1. We will be starting our NAIDOC Week with a special whole school assembly on Monday at 9am. The Aboriginal Education Team have organised activities for our students on Tuesday and Thursday. We will bookend our celebration with a NAIDOC liturgy on Friday.
  2. Also on Monday, the Aquinas College choir will be visiting our school and will perform to Year 4-12 students period 3. Our College Choir will also be performing. All parents are most welcome to watch.
  3. Wednesday will be our Harmony Day and students and staff are encouraged to wear their national dress.

I hope we are all coping with the Ulster Road closures and detours. Please plan your journeys and be patient at drop off and pick up times. I would strongly recommend Secondary School students get picked up a little later than normal so the traffic can ease a bit.

Students from PP to Year 12 will be receiving a Progress Report at the end of the week. It is an opportunity for review and goal-setting for Semester Two. The Year 12s have just one term left - so make it count! Parents and students are asked to download of reports from SEQTA. Requests to have reports printed after a student leaves the College (e.g. changing school or after Year 12), costs $25.

As we come to the end of Semester One, I would like to thank the College Executive, Staff, School Advisory Council, Parents and Friends Association, the Holy Family Parish and the wider school community for the ongoing support you have shown to me and to St Joseph's College. Wishing you all a safe and blessed mid-year break. Classes resume Monday 15 July.

St Joseph - Pray for us


SIDE Incursion

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 17 July 2024

Selected Year Nine students participated in Hospitality, Rigging and Medical research sessions on Tuesday the 25th of June at the College, as part of The Year Nine Career Taster Program. Facilitators from the School of Isolated and Distant Education attended the College and ran the small group sessions, with an emphasis on kinesthetic learning and preparing students for employment opportunities in the future.

Little Joeys Playgroup

Whole School
Posted: Friday 28 June 2024

Kaya noonakort (everyone),

It has been a while since you heard from the Little Joeys moort (family). We wanted to give you an update about our journey and finish this term with some positive highlights about our amazing year so far.

This year we have new families from different backgrounds who attend regularly. We’ve worked hard to create a culturally safe learning space, where everyone can feel safe and belong. We do lots of reading, singing, and learning through play.

This year we have been learning about the Noongar culture and merged it into our learning activities.

Our focus has been learning about the six Noongar seasons, Kambarang, Birak, Djeran, Makuru, Bunuru and Djilba.

We are currently in the Makuru season which means it’s the coldest and wet season of the year. We have learned about the weather and the animals we may see such as the Mamang (whale) and Wardong (crows).

Parents have been able to make new connections and enjoy our art and craft activities such as painting, basket weaving and bracelet making.

It has been a joy to see the children learn and grow together. We love being a part of their learning journey through their early years..

To finish the term, we celebrated NAIDOC WEEK and the theme Keep the fire burning! BLAK, LOUD AND PROUD.

We painted did face painting and did handprints with the colors of the Aboriginal flag. We ate some damper and some delicious kangaroo sliders.

We want to thank the P & F committee who donated us some new toys and books this year. We appreciate your kind gesture, and the children love them.

We also want to thank the senior Aboriginal students Torie, Margaret and Nate for their help in playgroup this year.

It has been an amazing journey so far and we have so many great ideas for next term. We hope you all enjoy the holidays.

Remember to be kind and stay safe.

From Angel and Emma

Scholastic Points Contribute To Our College Library

Whole School
Posted: Thursday 27 June 2024

Thanks to the generous support and participation in the Scholastic Book Club, we have been able to enrich our College Library with an array of new books. These books were purchased using points accumulated through your book club orders. The selection of new books include graphic novels, Accelerated Reader options, popular non-fiction, fiction, and picture book titles, along with books to support the curriculum.

A special thank you goes to our dedicated Scholastic Book Club Coordinator, Ashley. Her efforts in organizing and managing the Scholastic Book Club have directly contributed to the expansion of our library collection.

Vinnies Winter Appeal 2024

Whole School
Posted: Thursday 27 June 2024

Vinnies WA has launched its annual Winter Appeal for 2024!

The theme of this year's Winter Appeal shines a spotlight on the spiralling cost of living which is forcing 1,600 australians onto the streets every single month.

Each year Vinnies assists more than 61,000 Western Australians by providing vital support such as food, furniture, clothing and assistance with bills and rent and delivers a range of specialised services and programs in the areas of homelessness, housing, mental health, youth services, and financial counselling.

As part of our Catholic commitment to respect the human dignity of all, St Joseph's College works to assist those less fortunate in our community through our annual winter food drive. Collection boxes will be in each classroom and homeroom for any non-perishable food items that you wish to donate. This year we will also be collecting blankets and warm clothing (jumpers, trackies, beanies, scarves) that are clean and in new or good condition - these can be dropped in at either Library.

On behalf of the College, I would like to thank you all for your generosity and commitment each and every year to those doing it tough in our community.

Mr Luke Bogoni

Religious Education Coordinator

Year 1112 Outdoor Recreation expedition

Whole School
Posted: Thursday 27 June 2024

The year 11/12 Recreation Camp to Denmark was conducted in week 10. Students canoed along the Hay River (whilst attempting to answer Ms Evans riddles) on Wednesday the 19th June, before setting up Camp at the big4 Caravan Park for the night. A gourmet three-course meal was then prepared for staff and students by the students before our night walk down to Ocean Beach to watch the surf and some late-night cards. On Thursday we headed for Greens Pool where students enjoyed some ‘Winter’ Snorkelling with many fish out and about. A quick swing by Elephant rocks and we were on our way back to school after a couple of days of adventures.

Tips for anyone coming in contact with some of the students in the future.

-         Do not go canoeing with JP or Valentino if you want to stay dry

-         Do not leave your biscuits unattended in the vicinity of Darius

-         Do not try and separate Hayley, Caris and Arny

-         Heinz must be supervised on flying foxes at all times

-         Mrs T is not as innocent as she looks (especially in card games)

-         Fish-related presents will not go down well with Kaylah

-         If you need a photographer for your next function call Zohar

-         Spare a minimum of 30 minutes should Carlos tell you a story

A Spirit of Love!

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 25 June 2024

Kaya St Joseph's Moort,

Every year, on the first Sunday of July in anticipation of NAIDOC week, Catholics come together across Australia to celebrate and recognise the history, culture, achievements and gifts of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

In our Catholic Tradition, there are also many faith connections that can be made with Aboriginal spirituality, celebration and ritual with many symbols associated with Aboriginal ceremonies being similar to those used in the sacramental life and religious rituals of the Church.

For Aboriginal peoples, the pain and trauma of their experiences and marginalisation remains today, some of which often involved the Church. In the gospels, we find a Christ who identifies himself with those who are rejected and marginalised and find him in their midst.

It is an essential part of our Christian mission to infuse society with the love which Jesus offers. This is a love which celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It is a love which seeks them out where they are, listens to them and learns from their great wisdom, characterised by a commitment to encounter and dialogue with one another.

As a College, let us commit ourselves to fostering a civilisation of love in Australia. Let's come together in friendship to show all that love can not only change individual lives, but that it can change society for the better.

An Aboriginal Prayer for Truth and Hope (Written by Wakka Wakka woman, Brooke Prentis)

May the God of all wonder who set the stars in the sky, bless you with relentless unsettledness - that drive you to seek truth.

May the God of all justice who gave motion to the rivers, bless you with righteous anger - that drives you to seek freedom for all.

May the God of all love who placed laughter in the kookaburra, bless you with friendship - that looks like the love where one lays down their life for another.

May the God of all comfort who determined the height of the mountains, bless you with tears from shared pain and mourning - that shows you hope.

Now with wonder, righteous anger, sacrfice, and lament - go in truth, justice, love, and hope to change the heart of Australia.

Artwork Acknowledgements:

Madonna and Child - Richard Campbell

The Black Madonna - Julie Dowling

Aquinas College Choir Visit

Whole School
Posted: Monday 24 June 2024

Forty-three boys from the Aquinas College Choir “Schola Cantorum” visited St Joseph’s College on Monday. The choir is made up of students from year four to twelve. The choir rehearses before school every morning except Tuesday, and performs together six days a week. The boys attend a music theory lesson after school once a week and all choristers have an individual weekly singing lesson.


The St Joseph’s Junior School and Secondary School Choirs had the privilege of joining with the Aquinas Choir for a workshop where choral director, Hugh Lydon shared invaluable tips on vocal technique. All three choirs then performed for the College in a wonderful showcase of choral singing.

Thank you to Mrs Nurick and the canteen staff for organising the special morning tea that was enjoyed by the choirs.

Have Sum Fun Mathematics Competition

Whole School
Posted: Monday 24 June 2024

On Friday 21st June, 18 students from Years 5 to Year 10 attended the ‘Have Sum Fun’ competition, which is an exciting mathematics initiative that uses a quiz-night format. Our 3 teams of six students raced against the clock to solve four intense rounds of eight challenging problems. This initiative was held at Albany Senior High School and all the schools from the region attended. Our students worked very well together to solve the challenging problems.

CONGRATULATIONS to our year 5/6 team who were awarded 1st place!! Our Year 7/8 team were awarded with 3rd place and although our Year 9/10 team didn’t place, they scored very well in two out of the four rounds. The students all had ‘sum fun’ and are keen to return next year.

Changes to Student Insurance

Whole School
Posted: Monday 24 June 2024

Parents and Guardians - please be aware that CEWA has changed insurance companies. A copy of the Student Accident Protection Plan is available on SEQTA school documents.

Ms Keenan

Student wind instrument perfomance

Whole School
Posted: Monday 24 June 2024

At Friday's Junior school assembly, parents and students were delighted to hear a performance of "Kookaburra" from some of the Senior school students. Under the instruction of Mr Burnfield, their music instrument teacher, these students performed a wonderful rendition of this song. Fantastic work from all!

Zero2Hero Day

Whole School
Posted: Monday 24 June 2024

Friday was our Zero 2 Hero day and it was wonderful to see so many staff and students dressing up to promote discussion about mental health. This annual event encourages students to dress up as their favourite superhero or somebody that inspires them, stand up for their own mental health and encourage their peers to do the same in a safe environment, and speak up when support is needed. The creativity and effort was truly commendable and we look forward to continuing this event in the future.

2024 ADPSSA Cross Country

Whole School
Posted: Monday 24 June 2024

The annual ADPSSA Inter-School Cross Country was held at Great Southern Grammar, where students from five schools—Great Southern Grammar, Bethel, Parklands, ACC, and St Jo's—competed in a thrilling display of athleticism. St Jo's proudly secured second place overall and took out the Meritorius Shield, demonstrating remarkable endurance and team spirit.

The competition took place under uncharacteristically sunny skies, with a dry track that provided an excellent racing environment. The favourable weather conditions added to the excitement, allowing the athletes to perform at their best.

A special congratulations to all who represented St Jo's, with notable performances from those who finished in the top three and earned well-deserved recognition. Standout athletes included Sarah T (Year 3), Luke M (Year 4), Mason B (Year 5), and Benji D (Year 5), whose exceptional efforts contributed significantly to the team's success.

St Jo's extends heartfelt thanks to all participants for their dedication and sportsmanship, and looks forward to more outstanding performances in future events.

Zak Mola - HPE

Ulster Road - Pipeline Replacement Works - Detour Stage 1

Whole School
Posted: Friday 14 June 2024

From 17 June lane closures will commence along Ulster Road while Water Corporation’s authorised contractor DM Civil undertakes essential work replacing a pipeline under Ulster Road.

Detours will be in place during this work.

The work will begin at Lower King Road and progressively make its way to North Road. The first stage will see stop-start traffic control for a few hundred metres along Lower King Road (from the Ulster Road intersection) and a lane closure from Lower King Road / Ulster Road intersection to Hardie Road.

Traffic travelling from Lower King / Bayonet Head towards North Road will need to detour along Collingwood and Angove Roads. The northbound lane for traffic travelling from North Road towards Lower King / Bayonet Head will remain open.

Signage will be in place for the nearest Hospital / Health Campus access.

For the safety of the workers and community please follow all traffic signs and reduced speed limits.

Please see the attached map for more detail of the Stage 1 detour. The Project webpage Ulster Road Pipeline Replacement has a map showing the stages and the associated timings. This will be kept updated throughout the Project. You can also sign up for email updates of each stage via the webpage.

Water Corporation appreciates your patience and understanding while this critical work is completed.

Year 9 and 10 Incursion - ADF Careers Visit

Secondary School
Posted: Thursday 20 June 2024

On Wednesday the Year 9 and 10 students were visited by the Australian Defence Force Careers team. The students heard stories about the careers and lives of personnel in the Army, Navy and Airforce. They explained that there are over 300 different roles in the Defence Force. The ADF offers many pathways to further your learning through studying with the ADF or getting an apprenticeship or traineeship. They also offer a Gap Year program where you can try out multiple roles before committing to enlistment. If you would like further information about careers with the ADF you can visit:

Year 11 and 12 Volleyball

Secondary School
Posted: Friday 7 June 2024

On Wednesday the Year 11 and 12 Volleyball teams took a break from their exams to contest, for some of them, their final ever Inter-School tournament. Some of the Year 12 students involved have been training and playing for five years and have dedicated themselves to the quest for Volleyball perfection.

The boys team had a great day, finishing third, with some impressive games and play along the way. Their first match against eventual winners, ASHS boys, went into overtime after being drawn at the end of play. Congratulations to these boys for their impressive performance.

The girls team went in as favourites after having won the previous two years in a row, but were going to have to overcome the other teams who were keen to topple them from the mantel. The girls built steadily throughout the day playing some excellent Volleyball and working hard to reduce their own errors. The team progressed through to the final against ASHS, whom they had defeated in the final in the previous two years. St Joseph's took the first set in a close fought battle before ASHS steadied to take the second set to force a sudden death third set. The game was tense but played at a very high level and when the final siren blew, St Joseph's were up by one point to be crowned champions three years in a row!

Congratulations to all of the students for their commitment and passion to Volleyball throughout their Secondary schooling. I hope it is only the beginning of the Volleyball journeys.

Year 7-8 Football carnival

Secondary School
Posted: Friday 7 June 2024

The Year 7 and 8 girls and boys AFL football teams competed at the recent Great Southern Inter-School carnival. The teams had completed several lunchtime training sessions and practice matches in preparation for the carnival under the watchful eyes of the Senior School student coaches.

The boys' team had a great start to the day but tapered in the afternoon matches, finishing third overall on the day. The girls' team were fantastic from the first match and won all of their round robin games. They lined up against Denmark again for the Grand final and played excellent football to win the Championship. The coaches, Charlotte C and Leilani W, had a difficult time choosing a player for the team player award with so many quality options. Congratulations to Anima O for taking the award.

Thank you to the numerous student assistants who helped on the day and with the training sessions.

Giant Chess

Junior School
Posted: Thursday 27 June 2024

A huge thank you to Mr. Severin and the Trade Training Centre students who helped to restore our giant chess set, even crafting a missing queen. They look Great!!

Another big thankyou goes to our grounds staff for repainting our giant checker pieces.

Additionally, a heartfelt thanks to the Parents and Friends Association (P&F) for last years donation of new trolleys for the giant chess and checker pieces.

The Visitor

Posted: Sunday 23 June 2024

A Moogahlin Performing Arts and Sydney Theatre Company Production


By Jane Harrison

Directed by Wesley Enoch

Albany Entertainment Centre

16th July, 2024 at 7.30pm

Tickets available at Box Office or call 9844 5055

  1. $45.00 Adult
  2. $35.00 Concession (Full-time Students, Pensioners, Seniors Card holders, Health Care Card)
  3. $25.00 Under 25's
  4. $30.00 Groups 10+ (one complimentary ticket per 10 purchased)
  5. $15.00 School Groups 10+ (one complimentary ticket per 10 purchased)

Yogalates Meditation for Exam Stress - August 2024

Posted: Sunday 23 June 2024

Are you currently studying for exams?

Join us at Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre every Tuesday in August 2024 for FREE Yogalates and Meditation sessions. These are aimed to assist you in reducing your stress and fatigue around exam time, while helping you increase your strength and flexibility.

Register for as many sessions as you like as each one will build on the previous!

Bring a water bottle and towel, mats will be provided. Open to ages 15 – 25 years.

Register here!/event-detail/ev_ab5566e184fc4399b65e7479a1978261

For more information contact Community Development on 6820 3000 or

This is a City of Albany run event proudly supported by Rio Tinto.

Audition Registrations Now Open! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Posted: Wednesday 19 June 2024

Audition Registrations Are Officially Open!

Whether you’re a child, teen, or adult, we have roles for all ages. Step into the enchanting world of Roald Dahl and join Charlie Bucket, Willy Wonka, and all the unforgettable characters in this beloved story.

Audition Dates: 29th & 30th June

Location: Albany Port Theatre

Register Now:

Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to be part of something extraordinary. Whether you’re aiming for the spotlight or an ensemble role, we can't wait to see your talents shine!

Be part of the magic. Register today!

Director – Lachy Mclean

Assistant Director – Fiona Kuiper

Musical Director – Neville Talbot Co-Assistant Musical Directors – Matthew Clarke & Will Elms

Choreographers – Kelly Seaton & Lachy Mclean

#CharlieAndTheChocolateFactory #Auditions

PF Meeting Summary

Posted: Wednesday 19 June 2024

Summary of Meeting Held 11th June 2024.

Yorganop Foster Care - Request for assistance with carer recruitment

Posted: Wednesday 19 June 2024

We are pleased to announce that Yorganop is now providing foster care services in the Great Southern so that local children can remain in their communities and continue to maintain vital connections to family, culture and their Country. We have an office and staff based in Albany.

Yorganop is Western Australia’s first Aboriginal foster care agency with over 33 years of experience in caring for children and nurturing them to flourish.

To be able to provide this very important care to Aboriginal children, Yorganop is recruiting foster carers across the Great Southern region.

Potential carers can come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences and be Aboriginal or non-Aboriginal however the key attributes are being able to provide safe care that promotes the wellbeing of children and a capacity to keep children connected to family, culture and Country.

There isn’t one type of foster care. Children can be with a carer for a few days, or they can stay for a longer-term period. At Yorganop we provide short-term breaks (respite), short term placements and long-term care arrangements.

In helping us to find Great Southern carers for Great Southern children, it would be very much appreciated if you would consider displaying the attached poster on noticeboards at your school and including it any upcoming newsletters or relevant publications that go out to your communities.

When you foster a child with Yorganop, it changes everything for the better – a child’s future, their outlook, and our community. It will transform your life too.

If you have any questions or require further information (including hard copies of the poster of any other materials about Yorganop) please do not hesitate to contact or via phone on 0427 936 840.

Additionally more information about Yorganop and our services can be found on our website at

July School Holidays - Mystery Events

Posted: Wednesday 19 June 2024

During the July school holidays there will be two mystery events taking place, where attendees will piece together clues to find out who has committed the crime. These events will be conducted by an actor who will encourage everyone to get into character.

Taking place at the Albany Town Hall the first event runs from 12:30pm – 3:30pm and is themed “Wild West”.

Wild West

Saddle up for the Wild West Murder Mystery event on Thursday 11 July at the Albany Town Hall

Throughout the afternoon, you will interrogate suspects, examine evidence, and follow the trail of breadcrumbs leading to the suspect…

You may find yourself on a roll like a tumbleweed in the desert, but beware, danger lurks in every shadowy alley and dusty saloon, and not everyone may be who they seem.

Be quick to register!!/event-detail/ev_d766588d1a0a4ef0ad672b4f70203066

The second event will be from 5:30pm – 8:30pm and is themed “Caribbean Cruise”.

Caribbean Cruise

Step aboard our Caribbean Cruise Murder Mystery event for an evening of intrigue, suspense, and tropical delight, complete with Hawaiian pizza

As the sun sets over Albany’s blue waters, you will be gathering clues, interrogating suspects and piecing together the puzzle to solve the ultimate mystery.

Whether you're a seasoned sleuth or new to the world of mystery, this event will have you on the edge of your seat or driving you “coco”nuts if you can’t solve who did it

Be quick to register!!/event-detail/ev_e0447ce748574d55bb2fc4ba56fa0e83

For more information contact Laura Saunders on 6820 3130 or

This event is run by the City of Albany and is proudly supported by Rio Tinto.

2024 WA ADHD Conference

Posted: Wednesday 19 June 2024

This year's West Australian ADHD Conference, which is happening on 29 June at the Perth Exhibition Centre.

WA Student Assistance Payment

Posted: Friday 14 June 2024

The application deadline for parents, guardians and carers to apply for the Student Assistance Payment is Friday 28 June 2024. There is a significant number of families in Albany who are yet to claim the payment and I am keen to support them to make their claims.

Claims can be made via the ServiceWA app or via this form, which can be printed and made available to families: WA Student Assistance Payment - claim form (

I encourage every family to submit their application as soon as possible to ensure they receive the payment.

My office is happy to assist families with their applications. The Albany Public Library also hosts Digital Drop-In Sessions every Wednesday morning from 10am to 12noon and is assisting families with their applications at no cost. Visit: Events » City of Albany Library

Best Regards,

Rebecca Stephens

Member for Albany

Exciting Opportunity YAL Connect Scholarships Open This Saturday!

Posted: Friday 14 June 2024

We are thrilled to announce that the YAL Connect Scholarships open this Saturday, the 15th of June!

YAL offers scholarships to students aged 14-25, covering up to two years.

Our scholarship program empowers young Australians to overcome barriers and continue their educational journey with holistic support and financial aid.

Key Details:

Applications Open: June 15

Applications Close: July 31

Eligibility: Students aged 14-25

We invite you to help us spread the word about this incredible opportunity! By sharing this information with your networks, you can help us reach more students who could benefit from our support.

Click here to apply online.

Maritime Festival 2024

Posted: Wednesday 12 June 2024

Ahoy, adventure seekers!

Set sail for a month of excitement at the Maritime Festival! From 28 June to 31 July, the City of Albany transforms into a hub of nautical fun.

Dive into our treasure trove of events now listed on our website:

Featuring an exciting lineup of events, from live music to art exhibitions, film screenings, markets, wine tastings, sailing opportunities, author talks, and activities for children like hunting for treasure – the Maritime Festival promises something for everyone.

Autism and Anxiety

Posted: Friday 7 June 2024

Autism and Anxiety : practical strategies for supporting teens Webinar.

July ATAR Revision and Holiday Skills Development courses Yrs 7-12

Posted: Monday 3 June 2024

Please find information about Academic Task Force – July Holiday Skills Development for Yr 7-10 and July ATAR Revision Courses for Yr 11-12.

Visit website below for more information.

Leeuwin Voyages 2024

Posted: Wednesday 24 April 2024

After a couple of months of uncertainty, it is with great pleasure that I am writing to let you know that the foundation finds itself sailing again. Although Minderoo Foundation are now providing financial assistance for the next few years, this does not cover sponsored voyage places. This funding is only for maintaining the ship.

Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Foundation provides a range of tailored programs suitable for various ages, backgrounds and abilities. Our voyages aim to

  1. Foster Leadership: Develop leadership skills through hands-on experiences and challenges aboard our iconic tall ship, STS Leeuwin II.
  2. Promote Teamwork: Encourage teamwork and collaboration in a dynamic and engaging maritime environment.
  3. Enhance Personal Development: Unlock hidden potential, boost self-confidence, and instil a sense of responsibility and accountability.
  4. Inspire Environmental Awareness: Connect students with the marine environment, fostering a deep appreciation for our oceans and promoting sustainable practices.