Term 3 - Week 7

Father's Day Breakfast

Whole School
Posted: Friday 2 September 2022

We had a fantastic turn out to our annual Father’s Day Breakfast. Bacon and Egg rolls were enjoyed by over 400 people on Friday morning which was followed by the awesome Pre Primary assembly. Thank you so much to the staff who helped run and plan for this event. Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers and Father figures in our children’s lives.

Canteen Assistant

Whole School
Posted: Thursday 1 September 2022

Canteen Assistant

This is a permanent part-time position, 10 hours per week, Monday and Tuesday 8am to 1.30pm

About the role:

  1.  preparation of hot and cold food and snacks.
  2.  putting together lunch orders for two breaks per day.
  3.  working with volunteers who help in the canteen.
  4.  stock purchasing/ordering.
  5.  cleaning.

Ideally the successful applicant will need to have:

  1.  experience in working in a canteen or café, including the storage, preparation and sale of food and cash handling experience (desirable).
  2.  ability to provide courteous and efficient customer service.
  3.  knowledge of food hygiene practices and relevant Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.
  4. communication skills and ability to work as part of a small team and contribute to team outcomes
  5. current Working With Children Check/Police Clearance;

Applicants must be fully supportive of the Catholic ethos and be prepared to fulfil all accreditation required by the Catholic Education system.

Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae, including the names and contact numbers of two referees, one of whom must be the current employer.

Applications close Friday, 16 September 2022 and should be addressed to the Principal -

Mark Browning, Principal

Martin Road, Albany WA 6330

Phone: (08) 9844 0222 Fax: (08) 9844 0223

Book Week Parade

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2022

St Joseph’s College                                                                Book Week Parade 

What is the meaning of reading is dreaming with open eyes?

So when we say, “Reading is Dreaming With Our Eyes Open,” it is the connection between authors – the storytellers – and readers, and how their words capture a reader's imagination. ...

Of course the highlight of Book Week was the Book Week Parade which took place in the College Gym. The students did a lap around the gym for their peers, to the boppy, happy music provided by Mrs Goodlad, and then did a lap around outside to parade for the parents.

This is a whole College event with all students and staff getting involved. There was a huge turnout of costumes - many of which were homemade imaginative creations.

Needless to say, the judges were under the pump and struggled to choose a winner for each year.

The criteria being a character from a book, effort into making or putting together the costume, originality, and acting the part of the character in the parade.

Thankyou to Mr Long for these wonderful photos.

It was marvellous to see so many parents at the parade. 

CONGRATULATIONS to the dedicated members of smART CLUB

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2022

Congratulations to our dedicated members of smART Club and equally dedicated St Joseph’s College Mum and Artist in Residence, Ashley Whiting, who have taken part in a most amazing experience at the Town Hall this weekend. Along with over 50 other local artists, community group members and industry professionals, they have created unique and original wearable art pieces that were show-cased on the cat-walk for awestruck capacity audiences. The gARmenT project surpassed its aim to bring a diverse range of ages, cultures and makers together to build a creative community event and foster new community connections. Denny, Lilly, Adah & Cassie did an brilliant job of modelling the artworks on the cat-walk.

The preparations and performances for the gala event on Saturday night were covered by professional photographers and a videographer, so stay tuned for more over the coming weeks… but to whet your appetite, these photos provide a taste of the backstage excitement.

You can also experience the stunning garments designed and constructed by Adah, Leah, Keeley, Bridie, Zacharia, Lilly, Emily, Emilie & Ashley at the gARmenT Exhibition in the Upstairs Gallery of the Albany Town Hall from Wednesday 31 August - Saturday 10 September: 10am – 5pm Tuesday - Saturday


Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 31 August 2022

As you may be aware, there are a number of St Joseph's College students involved in the production "Moana Jr" by the very new, Albany Children's Theatre. All of the cast are under 18 and have been working very hard to create an amazing show. Please show your support for our students and local theatre by purchasing a ticket. Tickets available online and in person from Paper Barks. Dates and times of performances are on the poster.

From the Principal

Whole School
Posted: Monday 29 August 2022


Lord, You send out Your Spirit to touch the hearts of all people, so that they may believe in You and in Jesus whom You sent.

Look kindly on all candidates for Confirmation as they listen to Your voice. Open their hearts to Your Spirit and bring to fulfilment the good work that You have begun in them.

As we prepare these children for Confirmation, make each of us an instrument of Your love. Teach us to appreciate what is holy in others, and to be patient with what we do not understand.

Deepen our faith in the Gospel and help us to pass it on by our example. We pray that You will continue to guide us and sustain us.

Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff, Students and Parishioners,

Yesterday at the 9.30 am Mass in the Holy Family Church, our Year Seven students received the Sacrament of Confirmation. This ceremony was a major step in their faith life as they received the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. There are seven gifts:

Wisdom – helps us see the world differently and from God’s point of view.

Understanding – enables us to know more clearly the mysteries of faith.

Counsel – helps us to determine what is right and what is wrong.

Fortitude – strengthens our will so that we can accomplish what is true, good and beautiful.

Knowledge – enables us to discover God’s will in all things.

Piety – helps to love God and to obey his rules out of love for him.

Fear of the Lord – helps us to understand how we must depend on God for everything. God is the creator and sustainer of the universe and we are his creatures. In other words, he is God and we are not.

Congratulations to the following students for achieving this milestone in their faith journey: Alison Astrup, Lilly Bodlovic, Jessica Buck, Adah Cassidy, Aerith David, Hudson Fleck, Bridie Fisher, Abby Gorman, Grace Gorman, Antonia Knuiman, Rawley Landells, Mia Lock, Anthony Maffei, Zackeriah McNamara-Baxter, Bobby Medbury, Keeley Mullally, Leah Naughton, Afia Opoku, Sophie Speldewinde, Lyra Tazimacruz, Gianni Trichilo and Isaac Wright.

On behalf of our school community, I thank Mrs Mielens, Mrs Trichilo, Mr Murray and Mrs Bogoni for their work in supporting parents and students with the preparation needed to receive this Sacrament. Several workshops, which were faith building opportunities, were conducted and very well attended. Thank you to Mrs Angela Gorman for coordinating the music and those from the school and parish who sung or played instruments.

Mr Michael Crowe has been employed as a Science teacher at St Joseph’s College since 1993. Unfortunately, Mr Crowe was not able to return to the school in 2022 and officially resigned from his position recently. On behalf of the St Joseph’s College community thank you Michael most sincerely for over 25 years-service to our students and school. Your desire to teach Science with a passion resulted in students enjoying this learning area. Below is a comment I know you received from a parent a few years ago:

Just wanted to say thanks for continuing to inspire my daughter in your science class. She often tells us about your classes and all the entertaining things that happen there (chemical concoctions that grow and acid/base poetry). But importantly, you have captured her attention in a subject that she hasn't really warmed to in the past and she is happy to learn from you.

This comment correctly identifies how you always had your own way of doing things which made you uniquely you! I know the students have appreciated your efforts and will miss your presence at the school. You should be proud of what you achieved as a teacher over your career and the wonderful science education you provided to so many classes at St Joseph’s College. Best wishes for a healthy and relaxing retirement!

Recently our staff experienced their inaugural retreat. This two-day retreat aligned with our Evangelisation and School Improvement Plans where a key focus is Catholic Identity. This experience had a balance of Catholic input from the Catholic Pastoral Institute, wellness activities and social fun. The formal input aimed to build staff knowledge on God, Creator of Heaven and Earth linking our sustainability programmes with Laudato Si, Catholic Earthcare, Catholic Social Teaching and Making Jesus Real (MJR). Staff also engaged in Christian Service completing activities at St Vincent de Paul, singing at Albany Community Care, making gift bags for Silver Chain, cleaning at St Joseph’s and Holy Family churches and improvements around St Joseph’s College. One of the highlights of the retreat was the comradery between staff. Our large school campus does not make it easy for staff to spend time getting to know each other but the retreat greatly assisted in this area. Thank you to Mrs Mielens and Mr Bogoni for organising this enjoyable and meaningful experience for our staff.

On the recent Pupil Free Days, the Year Eleven volleyball boys, who participate in one of the local Wednesday night volleyball leagues, went to Perth for the Volleyball WA Schools’ Cup. Below is an account of their experience.

Competition Day was Friday where we competed in B-division against a select number of Perth schools. Having a strong start of winning the first two games, we played our hardest opponent. Playing amazing, unfortunately though a loss. Following that game we lost to our new rival Perth school, St. James. What we thought was the end of our competition in Perth, we played our semi-final game, and what better team to verse than our rival. With them taking the first set, we played strong taking the second. This is where the true victors would show, the third set was only to two points. With all the pressure on Darshan serving, he remained calm, although not acing, the efforts of the team would win the first two points in a controversial referee decision. After this game, we were through to the grand final against Sevenoaks, though a tough loss to them for the second time, they were a great team to verse and were the friendliest team on the day. Although we lost, the silverware we brought home was better looking than theirs. With everyone ecstatic about the second place, medals were worn on the bus trip back. The day ended perfectly with the team enjoying a sleep on the way back arriving in Albany almost at midnight. Lastly, we would like to give a thank you to all the parents that came and supported us boys, especially Mrs Fiona Lionetti (coach) and Mrs Alison Veerappan.

There were many events last week and these were: secondary Inter-House Athletics Carnival, Year 7 & 8 Multi-Sport Carnival, Junior School Grandparents’ Mass and morning tea, Book Week Parade and the Sacrament of Confirmation and morning tea. These events take a considerable amount so thank you to staff, students and families who assisted in any way with these events – your efforts were greatly appreciated and add spirit to our school community!

Is your family not returning to St Joseph’s College in 2023? A term’s notice is required from those intending to leave at the end of 2022. Please provide this information in writing to the Principal by Friday 23 September (final day of Term 3). Should you be unsure whether your family is leaving Albany because transfers haven’t been released yet or TAFE entry isn’t known until January, just informing me this is a possibility will count has adequate notice. If finances are the reason for the decision, please make an appointment to come and see me as there is always a way forward!

Each day holds a surprise at St Joseph’s College. Only if we expect it can we see, hear or feel this surprise!

Best wishes,

Mr Mark Browning


smART CLUB to WOW Albany!

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 24 August 2022

This weekend will see the culmination of months of after school work for nine of our dedicated St Joe's Art Clubbers. Thanks to the City of Albany, these students have had the opportunity to work with Artist in Residence Ashley Whiting to design and construct three pieces of wearable sculpture for the inaugural gARmenT cat walk events and two week exhibition in the Town Hall. Tickets for the gala event on Saturday evening can be purchased through the City of Albany, while the matinee show on Sunday is free. You can show your support for our adventurous, hard working and creatively talented students by attending an event or viewing the exhibition. Please see the poster attached to this article for details.

Brain-Body Parenting Workshop

Whole School
Posted: Monday 22 August 2022

This workshop translates neuroscience and the impact of stress, into powerful insights and practical strategies to support the holistic development of your child. The byproduct of brain body parenting is less stress and more ease.

8th September 6.00pm - 8.00pm

Albany Public Library

Cost: Free

For more information visit

The St Joseph's College Parent's and Friends COLOUR RUN

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 16 August 2022

The Colour Run is coming!!

Friday 14th October (Term 4 Week One) - SAVE THE DATE

What you'll need :

A white t-shirt

Sunglasses (optional)

A fun attitude

Put it in your diaries to get your colour on!


Whole School
Posted: Friday 29 July 2022

If you are interested in finding out more about SRTAFE, they are having their Open Day on Saturday 22 October.

Mrs. Caroline Tompkin

Head of Vocational Education and Training

MIGAS Traineeship and Apprenticeship Opportunities

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 26 July 2022

Year Twelves,

Are you looking for traineeships or apprenticeships when you finish school?

MIGAS has a variety of positions available.

I have sent a SEQTA with the brochure to Year Twelve students and parents/guardians.

For more information:

1300 464 427

Mrs. Caroline Tompkin

Head of Vocational Education and Training

Uniform Shop Now available on QuickCliq

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 26 July 2022

Our Uniform Shop is now available on Quick Cliq -

You can now order uniforms online and collect from the School office, between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday during school term.

Please refer to order pickup notes when placing your order to determine when your order will be ready for collection.

School Uniform shop open hours are: Tuesday 8.15am - 9.30am and Wednesday 2.15pm - 4.00pm.

Christian Service

Secondary School
Posted: Tuesday 6 September 2022

On Friday afternoon Year 7 Red spent some time in the garden outside Holy Family Church. They were very productive and had fun while doing it! We are hoping to get some more visits in to help build our Christian Service hours and gardening skills before the end of the year. So if you need any help in your garden, you know who to call!

Police Cadet Program 2023

Secondary School
Posted: Tuesday 6 September 2022

The Cadet Program is open to all applicants 17 to 19 years of age. Successful applicants will receive an initial 12 month contract with a competitive salary of $33,211 to $51,498 per year (dependent on age).

Cadets have the opportunity to develop fantastic workplace skills, gaining exposure to a range of policing activities, all within a supportive environment. 

Regional placements at major centres will be considered on a case-by-case basis, however, the majority of placements will be in the metropolitan area.

If you know of someone who would be interested in this opportunity, please encourage them to visit or contact Police Recruiting on (08) 9301 9607 for more information. 

Applications close 3 October 2022.

Academic Task Force October Holiday

Secondary School
Posted: Friday 2 September 2022

Academic Group will be running our outstanding Skills Development Program at Rossmoyne Senior School in the first week of the October school holidays. 

Students can take advantage of our 10% OFF Early Bird Discount for the October Holiday ATAR Revision Course by enrolling before September 5th! 

Junior School Athletics Training

Junior School
Posted: Tuesday 30 August 2022

It is that time of the year again in which the Junior School begins to prepare for the Inter-House and Inter-School Athletics Carnivals. We will be preparing for the carnivals and completing Inter-House pre-carnival events during PE lessons and Friday afternoon sport. 

However, to better prepare students and provide them with some extra training, the College will be running a before school “Athletics Club” on Tuesday mornings at 7:45am for Year Four, Five and Six students. This morning was our first session, in which students focused on sprinting and improving their running technique. Each week will have a different focus whether this be middle distance running, throwing events, or jumping events. 


It would be good to see as many students as possible come down and refine their athletics skills ready for the carnivals. 

Zak Mola

Junior School HPE

Australian Defence Force Students and Education - scholarships

Posted: Friday 22 July 2022

ADFA have opportunities for you to have your part or full degree paid for, plus they have Gap Year opportunities - where you start getting paid from day one.

If you are interested, and want more information, go to:

13 19 01

First Nations Health Scholarships

Posted: Friday 22 July 2022

Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme

The Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme (PHMSS) is designed to encourage and assist undergraduate students in health-related disciplines to complete their studies and join the health workforce. The scheme provides scholarships for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people studying an entry level health course.

The Australian Government established the Scheme as a tribute to the late Dr Arnold ‘Puggy’ Hunter’s outstanding contribution to First Nations Australians’ health and his role and Chair of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO). NACCHO News – special tribute edition provides an insight to Puggy and his tireless efforts to improve Aboriginal health.

PHMSS will open for applications on Monday 29 August 2022 for studies undertaken in 2023, closing Monday 10 October 2022. Online applications will be available from this website once the scheme opens.

Eligible Health Areas

  1. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander primary health care
  2. Dentistry/oral health (excluding dental assistants)
  3. Mental health studies
  4. Nursing (RN & EN)
  5. Midwifery
  6. Medicine
  7. Allied health (excluding pharmacy)

Eligibility Criteria

Applications will be considered from applicants who are:

  1. of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent
  2. Applicants must identify as and be able to confirm their Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status.
  3. enrolled or intending to enrol in an entry level or graduate entry level health related course
  4. Courses must be provided by an Australian registered training organisation or university. Funding is not available for postgraduate study.
  5. intending to study in the academic year that the scholarship is offered.

A significant number of applications are received each year; meeting the eligibility criteria will not guarantee applicants a scholarship offer.

Please note: You do not need to be currently enrolled in a course to complete a scholarship application, you simply need to be intending to enrol in semester one 2022, at any accredited course provider in Australia.

Selection Criteria

These are competitive scholarships and will be awarded on the recommendation of the independent selection committee whose assessment will be based on how applicants address the following questions:

  1. Describe what has been your driving influence/motivation in wanting to become a health professional in your chosen area.
  2. Discuss what you hope to accomplish as a health professional in the next 5-10 years.
  3. Discuss your commitment to study in your chosen course.
  4. Outline your involvement in community activities, including promoting the health and well-being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

The scholarships are funded by the Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care and administered by the Australian College of Nursing. The scheme was established in recognition of Dr Arnold ‘Puggy’ Hunter’s significant contribution to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and his role as Chair of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation.

Value of Scholarship

Funding is provided for the normal duration of the course. Full time scholarship awardees will receive up to $15,000 per year and part time recipients will receive up to $7,500 per year. The funding is paid in 24 fortnightly instalments throughout the study period of each year.

Contact details



t: 1800 688 628