Term 1 - Week 6

Week Six

Posted: Sunday 12 March 2023

Third Sunday of Lent – Jesus and the Samaritan women at the well. “Breaking the barriers.”

As we learn in today’s Gospel, let us celebrate our differences rather than make them an obstacle in forming good and strong relationships.

Our Year Sevens certainly rose to the challenge in Week Six with their camp to the Stirling Ranges. As so well-put by Mr O’Donnell that when life gets tough, they only need to remember the difficult climb to the summit of Bluff Knoll and the fact that they made it. Life is not always smooth sailing, but with the right attitude, we can conquer mountains! Thank you to Mrs Trichilo for her organisation and supervision, and to Mr O’Donnell, Mr Probert, Ms Ferrell and Ms De Chief for looking after the students and walking alongside them every step of the way.

A big week in Week Seven with our annual St Joseph’s Day Mass (10.50am) and Fete (1pm) on Friday. Students may wear their House shirts with their College PE clothes. Small change would be most appreciated rather than notes for the fete. We will be raising money for Caritas (Project Compassion).

Before all the fun, is NAPLAN for Years Three, Five, Seven and Nine. Relevant Heads of School have sent communications home via SEQTA regarding the assessment. Secondary students should bring a fully charged, working laptop to school.

We also wish our ACC Swimming Team all the very best as they head of Perth on Wednesday. Thank you to Mr Ruck, Mrs Coutts and Mrs Driver (mum) who will be accompanying the squad.

St Joseph’s College will be hosting the annual Solar Car Challenge at the school on Thursday. We wish our teams well. Thank you to Mr Veerappan and the Science department for their organisation.

Finally, we wish Fr Joeff all the best in his transfer to Denmark and Mt Barker as Parish Priest. He was College Chaplain for four years and made a significant impact on our lives. We also wish Fr Eli safe travels back to the Philippines after his time first in Albany followed by Denmark and Mt Barker. We hope that you will always have a little bit of St Joseph's College in your hearts.

Have a great week.

St Joseph’s – Pray for Us.

Ms Rachael Keenan

Week Five

Posted: Monday 6 March 2023

Second Sunday of Lent – The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. “Glimpse of hope and future glory.”

We have made it to the middle of Term One. What a great way to arrive at this point with some healthy competition and enthusiastic participation at the Inter-House Swimming Carnivals for both Secondary and Junior School students. Thank you to all the staff and parents involved, especially to the coordinators, Mr Paul O’Donnell and Mr Zak Mola. Students who attended will be treated to an icy pole.

Our Senior students in Year Eleven and Twelve attended the annual University Roadshow last Thursday where representatives from each of the WA universities presented valuable information about courses and post-secondary schooling options.

Next week our Year Sevens head to the Stirling Ranges for their much-anticipated camp. We wish them well, especially strong legs and lungs as they tackle Bluff Knoll. We look forward to hearing about their adventures.

I am very proud of the way students conduct themselves in public, particularly since they are so easily identifiable when wearing the St Joseph’s College uniform. On the rare occasion members of the public witness less than becoming behaviour, when I find out about it, I am disappointed. Please remember that you not only represent the College but also your families.

Thank you to the families who have already donated to the P&F Easter Raffle. Donations can be dropped off to classrooms and the front office.

I hope you all enjoy the Labour Day holiday.

St Joseph – Pray for Us.

Ms Rachael Keenan

St Joseph's Day information for parents and students

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 14 March 2023

With St Joseph's Day to be celebrated on Friday March 17 please be aware of the following information that will help you enjoy your day.

Mass: Begins at 10.50am, everyone is welcome.

Fair: Begins at 1.00pm, finishes at 2.40pm, parents and grandparents welcome.

Uniform: Students are to wear their house shirt along with either College shorts or track suit pants, white socks and sports shoes, and the College hat.

Food: All students are to bring their lunch. No sausage sizzle. There is limited food at the fair besides lollies, soft drinks etc.

Canteen: Only serving food at recess. No Lunch orders.

Money: Most stalls cost between 50c to $2, some food items may cost up to $5. Encourage students to bring coins as notes are hard to give change for if everyone has them.

Waterslide: Students wishing to use the waterslide, must change into bathers after mass and change back into uniform before leaving school.

Leaving Early: Junior school students leaving early must be signed out by a parent with their classroom teacher. Senior School students must sign out with their home room teacher.

General Sacramental Meeting

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 8 March 2023

Calling all parents whose students will be making the Sacraments of Eucharist, Reconciliation or Confirmation during 2023. The General Sacramental Meeting for parents will be held in Holy Family Church on Tuesday evening 21st March commencing at 6.00pm. The meeting is expected to last no longer than one hour. If you have not completed a Sacrament Initiation Registration Form and returned it, there will be copies available on the night for you to complete. Details of date and place of Baptism are required. If you have a Baptism Certificate it would be good for us to cite this. If you are unable to attend this meeting please let the Parish Office know on or myself, and so we can ensure information is passed on direct to you.

Chris Palfrey

Sacramental and Liturgy Co-ordinator St Joseph's College

St Joseph's Day - save the date!

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 7 March 2023

Project Compassion - Week 3

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 7 March 2023

For Project Compassion this week we hear Tereesa's story.

After finding herself homeless and disconnected from her culture, Gamilaroi woman, Tereesa sought a better future for her children and joined the Baabayn Mums and Bubs group. Through the support of Caritas, Tereesa was able to re-connect with her community and access the support that she and her family needed. You can find her story here:

"Tapitas" will continue this Wednesday at lunchtime next to the Canteen stairs, where students can donate any spare change they may have and can display their name on our "running water" collage to showcase our commitment to this worthy cause.

Please donate where you can to the class/ homeroom boxes! The College thanks you for your ongoing and very generous support this Lenten season.

Mr Luke Bogoni - Religious Education Coordinator K-12

Saint of the Week!

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 7 March 2023

Saint John of God

Feast Day: March 8

Patron Saint of: Nurses and Hospitals


Born in 1495, John was a soldier who suffered with mental illness, John dedicated his life to working with the poor. He established a small hospital where he would care for the needs of the sick and those who were suffering. A humble man, Saint John had a total concern and love for all he encountered and is an inspiration to us all. He died in 1550 with his followers later forming the Brothers Hospitallers of Saint John of God.


Saint John of God, help us to be selfless like you and to see Jesus in everyone that we meet. Intercede for all those who are suffering from illness, and bless all those who work to ensure the health of others. St John of God, Pray for us.

Mr Luke Bogoni - Religious Education Coordinator K-12

Cleaning Staff Wanted

Whole School
Posted: Sunday 5 March 2023

The St Joseph's College is looking for cleaner staff. If you would like to work 3pm to 7pm nightly, either as part-time or casual please contact the Business Manager, Marion Leonhardt at the College Office.

JS IH Swimming Carnival

Whole School
Posted: Friday 3 March 2023

On Wednesday the 1st of March the junior school held their first Inter-House Swimming Carnival in 2 years. The day was filled with a variety of competitive races and fun novelty games. Although their was a lot of nervous energy in the morning, students got into the spirt of the day and competed with great enthusiasm and energy. The carnival was closely contested amongst all houses, with the house groups swapping ranking frequently throughout the day.

Led by Mila and Chloe, DeVialar ended up winning the champion shield on 447 points! Ozanam were a close second, followed by Cunningham and McCormack.

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded medallions as champions or runners up in their respective year groups.

Year 4 Boys:

Champion: Mason (CHAM)

Runner Up: Flynn (OZAN)

Year 4 Girls:

Champion: Indi (OZAN)

Runner Up: Alyssa (DEV)

Year 5 Boys:

Champions: Mackenzie (CHAM) & Henrik (OZAN)

Year 5 Girls:

Champions: Kelsey (DEV) & Tessa (OZAN)

Year 6 Boys:

Champion: Tarkyn (DEV)

Runner Up: Patrick (CHAM)

Year 6 Girls:

Champion: Abi (DEV)

Runner Up: Bella (DEV)

Thank you to all the parent helpers and classroom teachers for all your efforts in running a successful carnival.

Zak Mola - Junior School HPE

Canteen Menu for Lent

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 21 February 2023

For Ash Wednesday and every Friday until Easter, the Canteen will have a different menu.

See the menu above, or linked below, for some yummy fish and vegetarian options.


Celebration of Talents (A Variety Show)

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 1 February 2023

Thank you for all your support to our College Production in the past few years. This year, we will be doing Celebration of Talents (A Variety Show). We know that we have lots of talents in the college that we can showcase and celebrate. Auditions will be on Term 2 Weeks 3 - 5 Thursdays (May 11, 18 and 25) from 3:30 - 4:30pm. It is open to all of college community members e.g. student, parents, family, staff. We would love to see you unleash your talents so start rehearsing now and see you on the auditions. Thank you in advance for all your support!

Mr Richard Habal, Ms Hiedi Rowe and Mr Mark Collins

Event Coordinators

Year 9 English - Project Compassion

Secondary School
Posted: Tuesday 7 March 2023

Ms Leake's Year Nine English class have been getting into the spirit of Project Compassion by creating persuasive posters. Students have been learning about the power of persuasive writing, and wanted to put these skills to the test by persuading us to donate to some very important causes. Well done to Desmond, Violet, Ella and Molly for these submissions.

Year 7-12 Inter-House Swimming carnival

Secondary School
Posted: Thursday 2 March 2023

On Tuesday the Year 7-12 students descended on the Albany Leisure and Aquatic Centre for the Inter-House swimming carnival. It was great to be back after a two year break from swimming carnivals. The students contested a variety of traditional and fun, novelty events with the overall house shields for both Middle and Senior school being hotly contested.

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded medallions as champions or runners up in their respective year groups.

Year 7 Girls Champion Hope Vrbasso 52.5 points

Year 7 Girls Runner Up Keira Hanbury 37.5 points

Year 7 Boys Champion Jack Heslop 60 points

Year 7 Boys Runner Up Connor Gorman 45 points

Year 8 Girls Champion Lillian Molenda 60 points

Year 8 Girls Runner Up Eva Hack 35 points

Year 8 Boys Champion Clayton Ambrose 57 points

Year 8 Boys Runner Up Reef Pietropaolo 46 points

Year 9 Girls Champion Lilly Fiegert 57 points

Year 9 Girls Runner Up Violet Clark 25 points

Year 9 Boys Champion Jonah Myers 49 points

Year 9 Boys Runner Up Josh Hanbury 37 points

Year 10 Girls Champion Abbey O'Donnell 53.5 points

Year 10 Girls Runner Up Kaila Cuthbert 49.5 points

Year 10 Boys Champion Max Vrbasso 60 Points

Year 10 Boys Runner Up Oliver Pass 38 points

Year 11/12 Girls Champion Chantelle Heslop 60 points

Year 11/12 Girls Runner Up Laura MacNiven 40 points

Year 11/12 Boys Champion Max Swarbrick 56 points

Year 11/12 Boys Runner Up Lachlan Gorman 39 points

Congratulations also to the following students who broke College records:

Year 7 Girls 25m Butterfly Hope Vrbasso 20.05 seconds

Year 8 Girls 25m Butterfly Lillian Molenda 16.13 seconds

Year 10 Boys 25m Butterfly Max Vrbasso 13.65 seconds

Year 10 Boys 50m Backstroke Max Vrbasso 32.21 seconds

Year 11/12 Girls 25m Butterfly Chantelle Heslop 15.59 seconds

Year 11/12 Boys 25m Butterfly Harper O'Donnell 15.51 seconds

In the overall house results for Middle School:

1st McCormack 688

2nd Cunningham 560

3rd DeVialar 499

4th Ozanam 458

In the overall house results for Senior School:

1st Ozanam 496

2nd McCormack 407

3rd DeVialar 380

4th Cunningham 377

The team for the upcoming ACC swimming carnival in Perth and Great Southern Inter-School carnival in Albany will be announced shortly. Thanks to the parent supporters and spectators and to the staff and student assistants on the day.

Constable Care visits St Joseph's College

Junior School
Posted: Monday 6 March 2023

The Pre Primary to Year 6 students enjoyed performances from Constable Care on Monday and Tuesday of Week 5. Pre Primary to Year 3 learnt about pedestrian/bike safety, road rules, and how to make cautious, safe decisions when near traffic, during the performance Getting to School. Years 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed the performance Trending, where they learnt about cyberbulling, online safety and respectful relationships.

Tricky Word Racing

Junior School
Posted: Wednesday 1 March 2023

Today Mrs Loveridge's reading group ended our session with "Tricky Word Racing". This activity provides students with an opportunity to revise all the tricky words they have learned to date. They record the time it takes to say all of the words and hope to beat their time next time we do the activity.

Everyone really enjoyed the game and Mrs Loveridge was really impressed that everyone chose to 'give it a go'. Mrs Lister joined us for this game too and was impressed to hear how well everyone did.

Teen Online Relationships Event

Posted: Sunday 12 March 2023

The Albany Public Library is running an event aimed at parents or caregivers to give guidance on supporting young people with online relationships.

Topics include:

  1. how to support young people to have safe and respectful online relationships
  2. what to do when something happens at school and ends up on social media or private messaging apps
  3. how to report to social media platforms and eSafety.

Bookings are essential via Events | City of Albany Libraries (

2023 Junior Soccer

Posted: Sunday 12 March 2023

Registrations are now open for Pre-Primary to Year Six Players.

To register, visit

Registrations close 31 March

Box with Chris Collard ex-World Champion Kickboxer

Posted: Friday 10 March 2023

Chris Collard is coming to ALAC on Friday 17th March. Attendance is free, but you need to register at :

You can learn more about his story by following the link below.

Stuff You Need to Know

Posted: Tuesday 14 February 2023

Register for this 8-week program if you are in year 11/12 or on your gap year and gain exclusive access to the below sessions:

• 3 May 2023 - Resumes & Interviews (Lincolns Beyond Numb3rs)

• 10 May 2023 - Tax & Budgeting (Lincolns Beyond Numb3rs)

• 17 May 2023 - Rentals 101 (Merrifield Real Estate)

• 24 May 2023 - Healthy Relationships: How to live away from home (Relationships Australia)

• 31 May 2023 - Meal Planning 101 (Ocean and Paddock)

• 7 June 2023 - All things WASTE (City of Albany)

• 14 June 2023 - Sustainable Living (City of Albany)

• 21 June 2023 - Responsible Pet Ownership (RSPCA & City of Albany Rangers)

When registering you will be asked which session(s) you would like to attend (you can select all of them or only those that interest you).

All sessions will be delivered at the Albany Public Library from 4pm - 5pm.