Term 3 - Week 10

Message from the Principal

Posted: Wednesday 21 September 2022

A Prayer for Changing Times

“For I know the plans I

have for you,” declares

the Lord, “plans to

prosper you and not to

harm you, plans to give

you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

Important Dates

Thursday 22 September               National Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II – public holiday

Friday 23 September                    Final Day of Term Three for students and staff

Monday 10 October                      Staff commence Term Four

Tuesday 11 October                     Kindergarten to Year Twelve students commence Term Four

Friday 11 November           Albany Show Pupil Free Day

Friday 9 December          Kindergarten to Year Ten students conclude the school year

Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff, Students and Parishioners,

On behalf of the Executive Director of Catholic Education Western Australia, Dr Debra Sayce, I am writing to inform you that Mr Mark Browning has been appointed to the substantive position as Principal of St Mary MacKillop College, Busselton, commencing January 2023.

On behalf of the St Joseph’s College community, we thank Mark for his leadership of our College in the past seven years and wish him well in his new school.

We will take the opportunity to farewell Mark before the end of the school year.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Marina Pietropaolo

Chair St Joseph’s College Advisory Council

CEWA (Catholic Education Western Australia) will now commence the process of appointing a new Principal for St Joseph’s College and this began yesterday. Mrs Kerrie Merritt, our Bunbury Regional Officer, met with the College Executive (excluding me), staff and the Advisory Council which represents parents across the school. At each of these meetings a process was followed that identified the values/characteristics that the community want in the new Principal. Towards the end of the holiday break, the position will be advertised and hopefully a month or so later an announcement will be made. Now is the ideal time for a change with most aspects of the school operating well however there are several areas perhaps benefiting from a new person viewing the situation. I am very pleased with how quickly CEWA is moving to ensure an appointment is made well before the end of the year.

Yesterday, Mrs Estelle Pearce, one of our canteen officers, retired after commencing at St Joseph’s College on the 10 November 1998. Thank you, Estelle for the many years you have been at St Joseph’s College. Your cheeriness with the students and going out of your way to make them feel special will be remembered. From all of us you are wished good health and happiness for the future!

Last Friday I attended the Albany Residential College Presentation Night. It was great to see students from St Joseph’s College being the recipients for various awards. Congratulations to:

Sports Person Award                     Krystal Prunster (Year Nine)

Student of the Year                        Corey Brown (Grande) (Year Eleven)

Study Awards                                 Taparah Dorante (Year Ten), Ella Finn (Year Eleven), Macy Goad (Year Seven), Judson Lowson (Year Eleven), Esri Swart (Year Ten), JP Swart (Year Nine) and Ethan Thomas (Year Eleven)

Thank you to Ms Lauren Franklin (Manager) and the staff of the Albany Residential College for the welcoming event and the on-going care provided to students from St Joseph’s College.

Last week, students in Year Seven, Year Nine and Year Eleven spent a day with the Youth Mission Team (YMT). The YMT is a group of young men and women who defer their careers or tertiary studies to volunteer as youth ministers in schools like St Joseph’s College. Their role is to enhance the Catholic Identity of the school by providing the students with a dynamic and relevant encounter with the Gospel, empowering them to make positive life choices. The programme for each year group was as follows:

Year Eleven – Relationships

·        Students should be free from pressure to conform to the expectations of others.

·        For students to identify how they have hurt others and how they themselves have been hurt and to seek strength to over-come these tendencies.

·        That students would recognise that coming to know God more personally in our lives increases our capacity to love others.

Year Nine - Leadership

·        Students to realise the potential they have to influence the way others value themselves.

·        Students will appreciate the importance of ‘integrity’ for any person aspiring to lead others.

·        Students will be able to identify how integrity may be demonstrated in a range of everyday circumstances connected with leading others.

·        Students will be able to distinguish between power-driven leadership and servant orientated leadership.

·        Students will recognise some of the leadership qualities evident in Jesus and will consider what it means to invite God to bless others through the leadership we exercise.

Year Seven – Self-Image

·        For students to appreciate the gift of their own uniqueness.

·        For students to be free to be themselves and to avoid changing their attitude or behaviour purely to gain acceptance of others.

·        For students to recognise the impact they can have on how others perceive their own value and dignity.

·        For students to recognise they each have a profound dignity and value, based not on exterior things such as their looks, popularity or what they achieve in life- but on being

created in God’s image and being loved by Him unconditionally.

The following comment was sent via SEQTA by a student in attendance.

I just wanted to say a big thank you for organizing the YMT day today. I really enjoyed it and got a lot out of it. I hope it continues for future years :)

Thank you to parents and caregivers for ensuring your child was in attendance for YMT experience. Being supportive of the Catholic ethos is one of the key requirements to attend St Joseph’s College so your assistance was greatly appreciated!

A reminder that this Thursday (22 September) is a public holiday for the National Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II. St Joseph’s College is closed.

Like any organisation, St Joseph’s College has bills to pay such as wages, maintenance and utilities. If it has been a while since you last made a payment on your school fees, I ask that that this is a priority at your earliest convenience. If there are circumstances as to why a payment cannot be made, please see me. We will find a positive way forward!

To determine the number of staff (teaching and non-teaching) required for next year, it is important to know if any students are not returning in 2023. Parents are required to give the College one term’s notice in writing to the Principal if they are withdrawing their child(ren) from St Joseph’s. If a student is withdrawn without the proper notice, a full term’s fee will be charged. If a student is not returning, the last day to submit this information is this Friday 23 September 2022.

Each day holds a surprise at St Joseph’s College. Only if we expect it can we see, hear or feel this surprise!

Best wishes,

Mr Mark Browning


Celebration of the Sacraments

Whole School
Posted: Friday 23 September 2022

This term has seen the culmination of parts of the Sacramental journey for students in the parish who had worked hard and prayed in preparation to receive either the Sacrament of Confirmation or Reconciliation. The parents and community of Holy Family Parish supported the students in their journey and it was wonderful that so many families were able to share in the important learning that was completed through the parent and student workshops. The Parish Catechist team along with the Year Three and Seven College teachers were instrumental in ensuring that the students were well prepared. May God continue to bless our students, their families, the parish and College communities as we continue to work together.

Mrs Mielens - Head of Junior School

Footy Colours Day

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 21 September 2022

Friday 16th September was this year’s St Joseph’s College Footy Colours Day. It was wonderful to see this event so well supported across the school with students and staff alike donning the uniform of their favourite sports team. Getting the whole College together is always a special experience, and it was wonderful to enjoy the sharing of a meal, the traditional sausage sizzle.

The day culminated with the staff versus Year Twelve students AFL match, following on from the basketball and volleyball matches earlier in the week. The staff won to make it a clean sweep. 

Year 7 Camp 2022

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 20 September 2022

This term the Year 7's had their camp which was fun because we got to do a lot of things like: hiking, putting up our tents and rotating through interesting activities. Some highlights were playing ‘Predator & Prey’, which involved running through the bush trying to find food and water shelters and another activity involved learning about Menang culture, especially how they used to live and what tools they used to survive and hunt. After dinner on the first night, we played a game of Trivia, but there was this very special group of elderly campers who were also staying at Stirling Range Retreat like us. They joined in with all the mini games and they looked like they enjoyed themselves. On Monday, we had the choice to climb Castle Rock or go on a flat walk at the ‘Tree-In-A-Rock’ picnic site and look for native wildflowers. At the top of Castle Rock we found the view was amazing! Then on the second day we climbed Bluff Knoll, part of the climb was really windy and at the top there wasn’t much of a view because we were inside a cloud! When we returned back to school, we participated in the Youth Mission Team for the day.

The Youth Mission Team involved lots of fun activities like, paper scissors hop, where you had to hop on one foot and once you reached an opponent, you played a game of rock-paper-scissors. Another activity was filling out a sheet full of questions, which were quite personal. We played a game where someone from your group would go up to Sonny (one of the Youth Mission adults) and he would give out a word, after you got the word, you would go back and create the word from play-doe while the other members of your group needed to guess the word. Lastly, the members of the Youth Mission Team played a story from the Bible. We were so grateful we got to experience these activities.

Overall, the Year 7 camp can be described as ‘hard, good, fun, exciting, painful, challenging and wet’.

Taylor W, Reagan, Torie

Year 12 Career Pathway - Rio Tinto Traineeship Program

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 20 September 2022

Are you interested in a career in mining?

Rio Tinto are currently advertising for their Traineeship Program.

You need to be 18 years old by the 1 February 2023.

Find out more details by following the URL:

Mrs. Caroline Tompkin

Head of Vocational Education and Training

Year 8 Animal Portraits

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 20 September 2022

Make sure you take a look at the wonderful year 8 animal portrait drawings in our undercroft gallery. You will be amazed at their talent with graphite, charcoal and close observation.

Saint of the Week!

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 20 September 2022

Saint Padre Pio

Feast Day: September 23

Patron of: Teenagers


Born in 1887, Francesco Forgione grew up in a family of farmers in southern Italy. he joined the Capuchin Friars and became a Priest at 23. He was drafted to fight for Italy during WWI but was discharged due to ill health and returned to his assigned Friary. People would flock to see Padre Pio and each morning after 5am Mass in a crowded Church, he would hear confessions for ten hours a day. Padre Pio saw Jesus in all the sick and suffering and helped to get a hospital built with many praying for his intercession daily. He died on September 23, 1968 and was canonized a Saint in 2002 by Pope John Paul II.


Saint Pio, patron of those who are in need of healing, I cal upon you and seek your help. Please intercede for all those who are in need of spiritual, emotional or physical healing. Obtain for them comfort during their sufferings, strength when they feel weary, hope when they feel discouraged, and joy when they are down-hearted. Help them know the peace of Jesus and the certainty of His victory in their suffering, through Christ our Lord. Amen. Saint Pio, pray for us.

Mr Luke Bogoni - Religious Education Coordinator K-12

Denmark Yacht Club Open Day

Whole School
Posted: Friday 16 September 2022

Denmark Yacht Club Open / Registration Day

Saturday October 8th, 8am SHARP.

At Denmark Rivermouth

For enquiries contact Commodore Eddy Buckovic 0408 376 628

Young Adult Author Talk

Whole School
Posted: Friday 16 September 2022

Meet the Author

Holden Sheppard in conversation with Lupo Prenzato

6pm - 7pm Thursday 13th October 2022

Bookings Required

6820 3600 or

Year 12 School Leaver - Certificate III Landscape Construction

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 14 September 2022

PHASE3 Landscape Construction Pty Ltd are hiring in Perth.

If you are interested in a career in landscaping building cool projects contact them direct on

Club Pump Track Champs

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 13 September 2022

Albany MTB Club Pump Track Champs

When: Sunday 25th September

Sign in Desk Open : 1400-1500

Timed Practice : 1500-1545

Race Start (all categories) : 1545

Presentations : 1700

For registrations visit

The St Joseph's College Parent's and Friends COLOUR RUN

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 16 August 2022

The Colour Run is coming!!

Friday 14th October (Term 4 Week One) - SAVE THE DATE

What you'll need :

A white t-shirt

Sunglasses (optional)

A fun attitude

Put it in your diaries to get your colour on!


Whole School
Posted: Friday 29 July 2022

If you are interested in finding out more about SRTAFE, they are having their Open Day on Saturday 22 October.

Mrs. Caroline Tompkin

Head of Vocational Education and Training

MIGAS Traineeship and Apprenticeship Opportunities

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 26 July 2022

Year Twelves,

Are you looking for traineeships or apprenticeships when you finish school?

MIGAS has a variety of positions available.

I have sent a SEQTA with the brochure to Year Twelve students and parents/guardians.

For more information:

1300 464 427

Mrs. Caroline Tompkin

Head of Vocational Education and Training

Uniform Shop Now available on QuickCliq

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 26 July 2022

Our Uniform Shop is now available on Quick Cliq -

You can now order uniforms online and collect from the School office, between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday during school term.

Please refer to order pickup notes when placing your order to determine when your order will be ready for collection.

School Uniform shop open hours are: Tuesday 8.15am - 9.30am and Wednesday 2.15pm - 4.00pm.

Eagles Women's Academy

Secondary School
Posted: Monday 12 September 2022

Ages 11-18

Open for all females - no football background required

Develop your skills with women’s academy and AFLW.

Click here to register

Or for more information contact

Author Visit

Junior School
Posted: Friday 23 September 2022

On Thursday 8 September, we had a special guest come in. She is an Australian author and writes a lot of the books we have in our junior school library. She bases a lot of her books on S.T.E.M and famous people that have changed the world. She is a very inspirational writer and influences a lot of us here today. She was a lot like us and loved running around and exploring as a kid. She has been writing for 20 years and still is! Cristy Burne has published 11 books – including two CBCA Notables – and has been shortlisted for the WA Young Readers' Book Award, the Wilderness Society’s Environment Award for Children’s Literature, and the WA Premier’s Book Prize.  

She has a passion for learning through doing and loves to inspire creativity, daring and resilience in her readers. Her books have been very much appreciated by many and she has won many awards with her fantastic, descriptive and informative books. Not only does she write S.T.E.M books but she also writes fantasy books that are an absolute delight. We had the honor of talking to her and she told us about her books, life and experience as an amazing author. 

We would like to thank Cristy Burne and Dora Adeline (Albany Public Library) for coming to speak with us. Cristy had some absolutely hilarious stories and amazing tips on becoming a writer. Hearing you talk and doing an experiment in front of us was amazing and everyone watching had a fantastic time. 

Thankyou Cristy Burne 

Stella and Willow (Junior School Head Councilors) 

Kindy visit the Church

Junior School
Posted: Tuesday 20 September 2022

On Tuesday the Kindy children were taken on a Holy Family Church tour by the fabulous Pre Primary Gold 'tour guides'. The Pre Primary children taught the Kindys how to be reverent in the Church, how to genuflect and how to sit in the pews. The children enjoyed pointing out the special statues in the Church, the big Crucifix and the cross on the roof. They said a special 'thank you' prayer in the Church and talked about how it is a special place to pray. The visit was part of our Kindy Religious Education Programme.

Australian Defence Force Students and Education - scholarships

Posted: Friday 22 July 2022

ADFA have opportunities for you to have your part or full degree paid for, plus they have Gap Year opportunities - where you start getting paid from day one.

If you are interested, and want more information, go to:

13 19 01

First Nations Health Scholarships

Posted: Friday 22 July 2022

Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme

The Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme (PHMSS) is designed to encourage and assist undergraduate students in health-related disciplines to complete their studies and join the health workforce. The scheme provides scholarships for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people studying an entry level health course.

The Australian Government established the Scheme as a tribute to the late Dr Arnold ‘Puggy’ Hunter’s outstanding contribution to First Nations Australians’ health and his role and Chair of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO). NACCHO News – special tribute edition provides an insight to Puggy and his tireless efforts to improve Aboriginal health.

PHMSS will open for applications on Monday 29 August 2022 for studies undertaken in 2023, closing Monday 10 October 2022. Online applications will be available from this website once the scheme opens.

Eligible Health Areas

  1. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander primary health care
  2. Dentistry/oral health (excluding dental assistants)
  3. Mental health studies
  4. Nursing (RN & EN)
  5. Midwifery
  6. Medicine
  7. Allied health (excluding pharmacy)

Eligibility Criteria

Applications will be considered from applicants who are:

  1. of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent
  2. Applicants must identify as and be able to confirm their Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status.
  3. enrolled or intending to enrol in an entry level or graduate entry level health related course
  4. Courses must be provided by an Australian registered training organisation or university. Funding is not available for postgraduate study.
  5. intending to study in the academic year that the scholarship is offered.

A significant number of applications are received each year; meeting the eligibility criteria will not guarantee applicants a scholarship offer.

Please note: You do not need to be currently enrolled in a course to complete a scholarship application, you simply need to be intending to enrol in semester one 2022, at any accredited course provider in Australia.

Selection Criteria

These are competitive scholarships and will be awarded on the recommendation of the independent selection committee whose assessment will be based on how applicants address the following questions:

  1. Describe what has been your driving influence/motivation in wanting to become a health professional in your chosen area.
  2. Discuss what you hope to accomplish as a health professional in the next 5-10 years.
  3. Discuss your commitment to study in your chosen course.
  4. Outline your involvement in community activities, including promoting the health and well-being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

The scholarships are funded by the Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care and administered by the Australian College of Nursing. The scheme was established in recognition of Dr Arnold ‘Puggy’ Hunter’s significant contribution to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and his role as Chair of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation.

Value of Scholarship

Funding is provided for the normal duration of the course. Full time scholarship awardees will receive up to $15,000 per year and part time recipients will receive up to $7,500 per year. The funding is paid in 24 fortnightly instalments throughout the study period of each year.

Contact details



t: 1800 688 628