Term 4 - Week 1

Canteen Thanks Volunteers

Whole School
Posted: Friday 14 October 2022

Thank You to all the volunteers who helped out in the canteen last term, your help was greatly appreciated!

Maria, Simon, Chloe, Astra, Carissa, Sarah, Bev, Lorinda, Brodie and Penny.


Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 11 October 2022

Wow, what an exciting and busy Term Three we had in the Junior and Senior Libraries! We started the term celebrating NAIDOC week with wonderful library displays where students could find and read a variety of books about Indigenous Australian culture, past and present, and explore books that celebrate the important contributions of our First Nation people as they share their stories of bravery, innovation, resistance, empathy, and adventure.

Books including...

  1. Heroes, Rebels, and Innovators: Inspiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People from History written and researched by Karen Wyld, an author of Martu descent.
  2. The First Scientists: Deadly Inventions and Innovations from Australia's First Peoples, by Corey Tutt, illustrated by Blak Douglas
  3. Walking in Gagudju Country: Exploring the Monsoon Forest, written by Diane Lucas & Ben Tyler and illustrated by Emma Long.

All three books were in this year's CBCA Book week shortlist!

Many NAIDOC activities were set up at lunch time for students to do. The kangaroo and whale jigsaw puzzles were a hit in the Junior School Library whilst Middle and Senior School students were challenged with an Indigenous Australian art puzzle in the Edmund Rice Library.

The dreamtime stories were left on display as we began Book Week and with that came new CBCA shortlisted books to the library in anticipation for the book week theme "Reading is Like Dreaming with Eyes Open". The highlight of the week being the grand costume parade, which was enjoyed by all.

Junior Library:

  1. It has been great to see most students using their library bags or homework satchels to help protect their library books. It has definitely reduced the amount damaged books coming back to the library.
  1. To reduce the number of overdue books, classes from Kindergarten to Year Six participated in a fun "Return Your Overdue Library Books" race. At the end of term, the class with the least number of overdue books won a small prize. I was very impressed by everyone's effort and amazingly three classes won!!

Well done Year One Blue and One Gold and Pre Primary Blue. An extra congratulations to the students (and parents/guardians) in Pre Primary Blue, who consistently remained in the lead most weeks this term.

  1. Finally, a big thank you to the Year Six Library Monitors (official and unofficial) for all your help putting books away, tidying up after lunch activities, helping create library displays, putting on puppet shows, helping other students in the library, and so much more.


Whole School
Posted: Monday 10 October 2022

The COLOUR RUN is nearly upon us!

Preparations are well underway for our very first College Colour Run!

Mark it in your diaries! FRIDAY 14th OCTOBER 2022 - action starts at 12.45pm!

Parents are very welcome to watch from the school oval bank - the coffee van will be here too.

Your child will need a white t-shirt and a towel (sunglasses are optional).

Looking forward to seeing you all get your colour on!!!

Bought to you by the St Joseph's College Parent's & Friends.

Uniform Shop Now available on QuickCliq

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 26 July 2022

Our Uniform Shop is now available on Quick Cliq -

You can now order uniforms online and collect from the School office, between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday during school term.

Please refer to order pickup notes when placing your order to determine when your order will be ready for collection.

School Uniform shop open hours are: Tuesday 8.15am - 9.30am and Wednesday 2.15pm - 4.00pm.

Albany Volleyball 2022

Secondary School
Posted: Friday 14 October 2022

The Albany Volleyball 2022 season has come to an end with the St Joseph’s Year 11 boys team Scared Hitless finishing in 3rd place after a semi final loss to the season Premiers Lightning Spikes in the mixed competitive league. It was a successful year for the boys who were runner up for the Albany High Schools Competition and silver medalists in the Volleyball WA High Schools Cup in Perth.

Fantastic effort by setters Darshan, Harper and Jack to set all season, along with consistent efforts from all rounders Logan, Liam, John and Matteo. You were a pleasure to coach again this year. Thanks to the parents for the support through the year too.

Also, congratulations goes to Logan and the GS Griffins team who won the AVA Men's Premier League title in a five set thriller game.

Fiona Lionetti - Volleyball Coach

Staff Vs Students Sporting Challenge

Secondary School
Posted: Monday 10 October 2022

During week 9 the Year 12 leavers of 2022 challenged the staff to a best of 3 sports challenge consisting of basketball, volleyball and our traditional football grudge match to coincide with footy colours day.

Monday's basketball game had plenty of drama as the staff donned the College's 1990's jerseys (proudly sponsored by Foodland and Gull) in front of a packed house at the 'Cauldron' (aka College gym) . Mr Probert (in his old no 6 jersey) wound back the clock as the staff put on a clinic to go ahead in the series 1-0. The students tried valiantly but O'Donnell and Bogoni, assisted by Mr V ensured the staff started the challenge convincing winners. Davy and Clark, the pick of the students, and even the late introduction of Lembo to a raucous applause, did little to ease the pain. Staff 1 - Students Nil

Tuesday's volleyball was a bit closer early on, trading points until the staff pulled away late in the first set as Tompkin and Gough went to work. Some sensational serving saw the students once again on the back foot as Manalo, Delima and co couldn't withstand the thunderbolts coming their way. Once again the students couldn't handle the heat in the 'Cauldron' as the staff edged clear and opened up an unassailable lead in the series.

The series culminated with the annual AFL game on Footy Colours Day on Friday (after a couple days rest for the staff) and although the series was all done and dusted the students were out to gain some credibility. The staff gained a few recruits (who had been on camp earlier in the week) and the game started at a frenetic pace with the staff piling on 6 goals in the first half as the students could simply watch on. Mola and Trichilo were running rampant through the midfield, whilst Picard was on fire up front and Collins and Hines patrolled the backline. The students tried valiantly through Franklin, Zambonetti and Dallimore, but to no avail. Even a controversial yellow card did little to dampen the mood for staff as O'Donnell sealed the victory in the final minutes to give the teachers a clean Sweep. Mola and Sevilla were adjudged BOG for their respective teams by our regional AFL DO Jackson Liddlelow, but it was the staff who triumphed and wrote their names in the history books as inaugural winners of the Staff vs Students Sports challenge.

Thanks to all of the helpers, supporters and umpires for assisting with games and the staff who are looking forward to going back to back in 2023!!

Larry Visit

Junior School
Posted: Friday 14 October 2022

On Friday 23 September Larry came to St Joseph’s College to show us how to build an Aboriginal Mia Mia. He brought the sticks in (tea tree branches, peppermint branches) and showed us how to tie the branches together in a teepee shape with twine. Secondly, we got the small branches and wedged them into the sticks to make sure there were no gaps. We had lots of fun with Larry.

Larry also brought in his bobtail and blue tongue lizard. He showed us how to tell the difference between the two lizards. We got to hold one.

Heath and James (Year 5B)

Year 5 & Year 6 Multi Sport Carnival

Junior School
Posted: Tuesday 11 October 2022

Last term, our Year Five and Year Six students had a fantastic opportunity to represent the College in the annual ADPSSA "Try-A-New-Sport" Day. Students were split into nine different teams and competed in a sport which they would not play at school, or outside in the community. The sports on offer were, AFL, Basketball, Soccer and Hockey.

Led by our expert Year Ten CERT II sport coaching students, our teams started the day with a skills clinic run by the respective regional development officers. The Hockey teams were lucky to have Penny Squibb a Hockeyroo and an Olympic medalist come down to pass on some knowledge about the fantastic game. Once, this concluded students competed against Parklands, Great Southern Grammar and Bethel in round robin competitions. All students played with great respect while developing their knowledge and skill in a new sport.

Thank you very much to all the Year Ten CERT II students who came down to coach, Kenneth (Yr 9), Max (Yr 9) and Natalie (Yr 8) and Kareena Smart (Parent) for giving up their time to umpire and assist with the running of the day.

Zak Mola

Health and Physical Education


Posted: Wednesday 12 October 2022

SRTAFE Open Day is a great starting point to find out all the opportunities available to you in the one place.

Saturday 22nd October

10 - 1pm

SRTAFE at 5 Nanson Road

Australian Defence Force Students and Education - scholarships

Posted: Friday 22 July 2022

ADFA have opportunities for you to have your part or full degree paid for, plus they have Gap Year opportunities - where you start getting paid from day one.

If you are interested, and want more information, go to:

13 19 01

First Nations Health Scholarships

Posted: Friday 22 July 2022

Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme

The Puggy Hunter Memorial Scholarship Scheme (PHMSS) is designed to encourage and assist undergraduate students in health-related disciplines to complete their studies and join the health workforce. The scheme provides scholarships for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people studying an entry level health course.

The Australian Government established the Scheme as a tribute to the late Dr Arnold ‘Puggy’ Hunter’s outstanding contribution to First Nations Australians’ health and his role and Chair of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO). NACCHO News – special tribute edition provides an insight to Puggy and his tireless efforts to improve Aboriginal health.

PHMSS will open for applications on Monday 29 August 2022 for studies undertaken in 2023, closing Monday 10 October 2022. Online applications will be available from this website once the scheme opens.

Eligible Health Areas

  1. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander primary health care
  2. Dentistry/oral health (excluding dental assistants)
  3. Mental health studies
  4. Nursing (RN & EN)
  5. Midwifery
  6. Medicine
  7. Allied health (excluding pharmacy)

Eligibility Criteria

Applications will be considered from applicants who are:

  1. of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent
  2. Applicants must identify as and be able to confirm their Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status.
  3. enrolled or intending to enrol in an entry level or graduate entry level health related course
  4. Courses must be provided by an Australian registered training organisation or university. Funding is not available for postgraduate study.
  5. intending to study in the academic year that the scholarship is offered.

A significant number of applications are received each year; meeting the eligibility criteria will not guarantee applicants a scholarship offer.

Please note: You do not need to be currently enrolled in a course to complete a scholarship application, you simply need to be intending to enrol in semester one 2022, at any accredited course provider in Australia.

Selection Criteria

These are competitive scholarships and will be awarded on the recommendation of the independent selection committee whose assessment will be based on how applicants address the following questions:

  1. Describe what has been your driving influence/motivation in wanting to become a health professional in your chosen area.
  2. Discuss what you hope to accomplish as a health professional in the next 5-10 years.
  3. Discuss your commitment to study in your chosen course.
  4. Outline your involvement in community activities, including promoting the health and well-being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

The scholarships are funded by the Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care and administered by the Australian College of Nursing. The scheme was established in recognition of Dr Arnold ‘Puggy’ Hunter’s significant contribution to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and his role as Chair of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation.

Value of Scholarship

Funding is provided for the normal duration of the course. Full time scholarship awardees will receive up to $15,000 per year and part time recipients will receive up to $7,500 per year. The funding is paid in 24 fortnightly instalments throughout the study period of each year.

Contact details



t: 1800 688 628