Term 4 - Week 5

Outdoors Classroom Day

Whole School
Posted: Friday 11 November 2022

Last Thursday 3 November was Outdoors Classroom Day. This day is celebrated as an opportunity for students and staff to look for opportunities to get outside and engage in the natural environment every day. Classes across the College were encouraged to look for opportunities to 'break the mold' and move the usual learning environment outside. Students and parents are encouraged to continue to look for these opportunities at home too. There were a variety of activities from Pre Primary Gold taking their writing lesson outside, creating lists of the living and non-living objects in the ELC playground integrating Science and Literacy through to the Year Nine PE classes playing softball or cricket in the lovely spring weather.

Albany Show

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 9 November 2022

If you're heading down to the Albany Show this Friday or Saturday, make sure you stop by the St Joseph's College stand to have a look at the display and show your support.

We will be in the Exhibition Pavillion W4.

Thanks go out to the Show Committee and the Grounds Crew for all their hard work in preparing the display and to Staff running the stand over the weekend.

Uniform Shop Now available on QuickCliq

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 26 July 2022

Our Uniform Shop is now available on Quick Cliq -

You can now order uniforms online and collect from the School office, between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday during school term.

Please refer to order pickup notes when placing your order to determine when your order will be ready for collection.

School Uniform shop open hours are: Tuesday 8.15am - 9.30am and Wednesday 2.15pm - 4.00pm.

Year Eight Camp

Secondary School
Posted: Thursday 10 November 2022

This year’s Year Eight Camp departed from the usual destination of Perth and remained in the Great Southern. Initial disappointment soon gave way to enjoyment, as students were reminded of the many wonders that are within an easy day trip of St Joseph’s College. Numerous campers enjoyed many local activities for the first time.

We departed the College in two groups on Day One, heading for the Denmark area. Activities included a visit to the Alpaca Farm, a round of Soccer Golf and the day’s highlight, rolling down a hill in a zorb ball at the Denmark Thrills Park. That evening, at Camp Quaranup, students tested their knowledge in the camp quiz.

Day Two was based around the Quaranup area. College friend Larry Blight visited, giving students an insightful natural history of the camp site. The camp theme of belonging was then observed in a liturgy, before campers completed a time capsule activity that will be opened again in four years’ time. The group was reminded of the outstanding natural beauty of the region, when all took part in a Bibbulmun Track walk along the coast from the Albany Wind Farm. The only visit to Albany took place that evening, where Orana Cinemas hosted a private screening of DC League of Super Pets.

The final day was spent in the Walpole area. Again, the group split in two in order to make the most of the local opportunities. The Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk provided another opportunity to reconnect with nature, as well as learn about forest erosion. Walpole favourite, Gary Muir, entertained students on the WOW Wilderness EcoCruise, where campers learned more natural history of the South West, and enjoyed his mum’s famous lemon cake.

A tired group arrived back at the College in the late afternoon. A big thank you is extended to Mr Rutherford, Mrs Trahair, Mr Long, Ms Kershaw and Mrs Miller for their support over the three days. 

Leeuwin Weekend Leadership

Secondary School
Posted: Wednesday 26 October 2022

Are you ready for an adventure?

Go to for more details

Junior School Interschool Athletics

Junior School
Posted: Friday 11 November 2022

On Tuesday 8 November, Saint Joseph's voyaged down to North Road athletics field to take part in the annual ADPSSA Inter-School Athletics Carnival. On a cold, windy morning our day started with the 800m races in which Alex (Year Five) starred, taking out first place for the boys' event.

We then moved onto our field events which including throws and jumps. Unfortunately, due to the weather, the high jump was cancelled as conditions made the jumping area slippery and dangerous. Students represented the College well picking up places in most of the events. Richard (Year Five) broke the Year Five record for the triple jump event with a whopping distance of 9.45m. Tyler (Year Six), Vileasha (Year Five) and Cleo (Year Five) placed 2nd for their long and triple jumps!

The next block of events saw the start of the track races. Starting with the 200m. Mason (Year Three) got the College off to a flying start, winning the Boys' A division with ease. Honorable mentions goes to Alex who flew around the bend to take out bragging rights in the Year Five 200m. Our 100m runners were equally impressive with their running. Some notable places include Pippa and Ava (Year Six) winning the Girls' A and B division event. Mason and Flynn (Year Three) taking out first and second for the Year Three 100m. The final individual races of the day were the tough 400m track. Again the College was well represented in the placing. Mason, Flynn, Benji and Mitchel in Year Three continued our amazing run of 1st & 2nd places, while Chloe and Aaron (Year Five) added to this.

The highlight of the day for Saint Joseph's was the 4 X 100m relay. All teams, both male and female, from Year Three to Six won all relays in a dominant performance. The Year Five boys' team (Richard, Alex, Tarkyn and Mila) broke the Year 5 boys' record, while the Year Three girls' team (Peyton, Indi, Norma and Sophia) broke the girls' record.

Unfortunately, we just fell short of regaining the winning trophy, with Great Southern Grammar edging us out by 14 points. Well done to all students on competing with such effort and enthusiasm. We'll be back next year to re-claim the winning trophy.

Zak Mola - Junior School HPE

Pre Primary Gold Architects

Junior School
Posted: Thursday 10 November 2022

On Wednesday the Pre Primary Gold children put their building skills to the test in an integrated Science and Design & Technologies challenge. Each team had a different material to create a house from - straws, cards, sticks and pop sticks. The children were required to work together as a team to build a house that could withstand the force of the 'Big Bad Wolf' (desk fan). All teams succeeded! Have a look at their fantastic creations - little architects in the making!

Instrumental Music 2023

Posted: Friday 11 November 2022

My name is Alan Burnfield. I am an instrumental music teacher in Albany and have been teaching flute at St Joseph’s College since Term Three of this year.

I would like to offer instruction in clarinet and saxophone as well, starting Term 1 in 2023. The students would have a 30-minute lesson once a week during class time, although it might be possible to schedule lessons during lunch, or before or after school, especially for ATAR students.

Students would need to have an instrument before commencement of lessons. I also need to let you know that some children’s hand size and/or teeth might not be suitable for some instruments.

I am very happy to discuss all of this with parents BEFORE an instrument is purchased; there are many second-hand instruments around that look shiny and impressive, but may or may not actually work. I am a qualified and experienced woodwind instrument repairer as well as a teacher.

Please contact me on 0448 880 780, or at

Thank you

Alan Burnfield

Air Force Cadets

Posted: Friday 4 November 2022

Your local Squadron is 705(City of Albany)SQN which is located at corner of Spencer and Serpentine Roads. We parade on a Wednesday evening from 5.45pm to 9.15 pm during the school term. We are looking for new recruits between the year they turn 13 and up to 16 years of age.

As well as undertaking a range of leadership training, cadets can undertake learning about aerospace, drone flying, adventure training, flying, camping, parades, firearms training, drum corps, promotional activities, visits and overnight stays at military bases.

Cadets can earn up to 10 WACE accreditation points through being a part of our organisation.

The cost is minimal and uniforms are supplied.

For more information visit How to Join | Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) or Phone 0422 780 092

Workshop for Parents of ASD Children

Posted: Thursday 20 October 2022