Term 4 - Week 6

Message from the Principal

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 16 November 2022

Prayer for Acceptance

Embracing Father,

You grace each of us with equal measure in your love.

Let us learn to love our neighbours more deeply,

so that we can create

peaceful and just communities.

Inspire us to use our creative energies

to build the structures we need

to overcome the obstacles

of intolerance and indifference.

May Jesus provide us the example needed

And send the Spirit to warm our hearts for the journey.


Important Dates

Thursday 1 December                   Year Six Graduation Mass in the Holy Family Church at 9.00 am

Tuesday 6 December                     Junior School Presentation and Christmas Concert Night at 5.00 pm in the gymnasium

Friday 9 December                         Kindergarten to Year Ten students conclude the school year

Friday 16 December                      All staff and the College Office conclude the school year

Dear Parents, Caregivers, Staff, Students and Parishioners,

Recently we celebrated our secondary Presentation Night which highlighted the achievements of our students across a variety of learning areas. Well done to the recipients! The evening also showcased the superb singing and musical talents of our students. Mrs Debra Sayce (CEWA Executive Director) was also in attendance. Thank you to all staff who assisted with the success of the night, the P&F and parents for providing the supper and the many families who were able to join us.

Camps, camps and more camps! Due to the presence of COVID, several camps were postponed until Term Four. Students and staff from Year Five, Six, Eight and Nine have all recently enjoyed a camp experience. It was a joy to see the students happy and engaging in a variety of activities aimed at the development of self-esteem, resilience and positive relationships between peers and staff. The enthusiasm and overall general behaviour of all students was exceptionally high this year! St Joseph’s College is indeed fortunate to have staff who are willing to organise and supervise camps so our students can truly experience a wholistic education.

Congratulations to Demi Burns (Year Nine) who is currently representing WA Soccer in the Singa Asian Soccer Cup in Singapore. This is an elite football opportunity and a chance for Demi to participate in an international tournament.

As the end of the year approaches, St Vincent de Paul are again running their Christmas Appeal. They are creating hampers for families in need located in Albany and the Great Southern. The families at St Joseph’s College, while not financially rich, have received sufficient blessings to be able to provide assistance to those in need. Families are asked to donate one or more of the following items for the Christmas Appeal: Pasta, pasta sauce, tin vegetables, baked beans or spaghetti, tin fruit, fruit juice, Xmas puddings, Xmas cakes, fruit mince pies, carton custard, sweet and savory biscuits, chips and lollies. Items can be left with the classroom teacher in the Junior School and in Homeroom for the Secondary School. Please do add one of the above items to your trolley when next at the supermarket so no child, family or elderly person will go without at Christmas time!

On Tuesday night there was a pleasing turn out of parents and staff at the AGM for the P&F and the College Advisory Council. The budget for 2023 was presented. Several noteworthy features were:

·        A surplus budget has been developed leaving some money for our future Capital Development Plan.

·        There will be NO increase in school fees from Kindergarten to Year Twelve.

·        Two classes will operate for each Year group except for the 2023 Year Three class which remains as a single. The ‘bubble’ class currently in Year Seven moves to Year Eight where three classes will continue to operate.

Thank you to both parent bodies for their tireless efforts to improve our school with spirit and additional resources. Mrs Sam Loveridge is concluding her time on the P&F and we are so very grateful for the many events she has organised so well over the past few years.

It is very heartening that all positions on the P&F and the Advisory Council were filled at the AGM. The elected members are:

P&F Executive

Mrs Dayna Davey                             President

Mrs Vicky Joynes                              Vice President

Mrs Kylie Dallimore                        Secretary

Ms Lauren Franklin                          Treasurer

College Advisory Council

Mrs Marina Pietropaolo

Mrs Michelle Hobbs

Mrs Slyvia Habal

Mrs Rachael Duffield                      (Buildings & Grounds Sub Committee)

Mrs Amanda Harris-Hawkins       (P&F Representative)

Mr Andrew Gorman

Mrs Janet ten Seldam

Mr Mike Trafalski                             (Finance Sub Committee)

Mrs Eliza Flores                                 (Parish Representative)

Father Vincent                                   (Parish Priest)

Mrs Rachael Keenan                       (Principal)

The contract with YMCAWA to provide After School Care has now been cancelled. St Joseph’s College is now working with The Village Child Care Services to provide a service from the commencement of 2023. At the present time The Village is seeking casual school teachers, teachers’ aides, OSHC specialists for casual, permanent full-time and part-time positions. Flexibility to combine study, work/life balance or other personal commitments can be provided. For further information please contact: Preity Dhaliwal (0466 080 593) Email :

Given Term Four is underway, I ask parents and caregivers to make every effort to pay their school fees before the end of the year. If there are circumstances as to why the fees cannot be paid, please contact the office and make a time to come and discuss the situation with me.

Each day holds a surprise at St Joseph’s College. Only if we expect it can we see, hear or feel this surprise!

Best wishes,

Mr Mark Browning


The Parent's and Friends End of Year Raffle

Whole School
Posted: Monday 14 November 2022

This year the P & F are again running their "Big End of Year" raffle. For $5 per ticket, you'll be in the running to win $1000 cold hard cash just in time for Christmas (along with the chance to win some other awesome prizes). Only on sale until the 14 December so get in quick!

Click on the link above to purchase your tickets or visit our Facebook page.

We appreciate your support!

Uniform Shop Now available on QuickCliq

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 26 July 2022

Our Uniform Shop is now available on Quick Cliq -

You can now order uniforms online and collect from the School office, between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday during school term.

Please refer to order pickup notes when placing your order to determine when your order will be ready for collection.

School Uniform shop open hours are: Tuesday 8.15am - 9.30am and Wednesday 2.15pm - 4.00pm.

VET Certificate II Construction Pathways

Secondary School
Posted: Friday 18 November 2022

During Term 4 the VET Certificate II Construction Pathways students have shown their creative woodwork skills making the new St Joseph's College letterbox. They have worked as a team and the finished product looks fantastic.

Thank you to (pic L-R) Brodie, Daniel, Brad, Esri, Mr Paul Severin, Sine, Juke, Jack, Ethan (Absent) Corey & Charlie

Year Eight Camp

Secondary School
Posted: Thursday 10 November 2022

This year’s Year Eight Camp departed from the usual destination of Perth and remained in the Great Southern. Initial disappointment soon gave way to enjoyment, as students were reminded of the many wonders that are within an easy day trip of St Joseph’s College. Numerous campers enjoyed many local activities for the first time.

We departed the College in two groups on Day One, heading for the Denmark area. Activities included a visit to the Alpaca Farm, a round of Soccer Golf and the day’s highlight, rolling down a hill in a zorb ball at the Denmark Thrills Park. That evening, at Camp Quaranup, students tested their knowledge in the camp quiz.

Day Two was based around the Quaranup area. College friend Larry Blight visited, giving students an insightful natural history of the camp site. The camp theme of belonging was then observed in a liturgy, before campers completed a time capsule activity that will be opened again in four years’ time. The group was reminded of the outstanding natural beauty of the region, when all took part in a Bibbulmun Track walk along the coast from the Albany Wind Farm. The only visit to Albany took place that evening, where Orana Cinemas hosted a private screening of DC League of Super Pets.

The final day was spent in the Walpole area. Again, the group split in two in order to make the most of the local opportunities. The Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk provided another opportunity to reconnect with nature, as well as learn about forest erosion. Walpole favourite, Gary Muir, entertained students on the WOW Wilderness EcoCruise, where campers learned more natural history of the South West, and enjoyed his mum’s famous lemon cake.

A tired group arrived back at the College in the late afternoon. A big thank you is extended to Mr Rutherford, Mrs Trahair, Mr Long, Ms Kershaw and Mrs Miller for their support over the three days. 

Leeuwin Weekend Leadership

Secondary School
Posted: Wednesday 26 October 2022

Are you ready for an adventure?

Go to for more details

Year Five Camp

Junior School
Posted: Friday 18 November 2022

On Thursday 27 October to Friday 28 October the Year Five students attended their overnight camp at St Joseph’s College. The students were lucky with the weather as we enjoyed two days of mostly sunshine. The aim of the camp was to foster team-building skills and independence. The students were kept very busy over the two days, participating in a range of fun experiences all around Albany.

The first activity on Thursday morning was a scavenger hunt around the Albany CBD looking for answers to some challenging questions. Students were grouped into teams of five, with a parent or staff member assisting the groups to navigate around the busy York Street. Some questions included Albany history, such as when the town hall was built, and what is in the stained-glass windows at the entrance of the St Joseph’s Catholic Church. We spent lots of time around the Alison Hartman Gardens and Mokare Park looking for clues to some challenging questions! A highlight was going to St Vincent de Paul to purchase an outfit for a child to wear for the evening fashion parade. Students had $15.00 to spend and it was amazing to see what clever outfits they could come up with for the price. We also learnt the significance of the bell in the tourist bureau, which is rung when someone completes the Bibbulmun Track. There was lots of positive feedback from local businesses on how polite the students were in asking questions and making their purchases, which was lovely to hear.

Most teams were able to complete the whole challenge in the time permitted, which was a great feat. We then headed to Eyre Park for lunch and a play. This was followed by Christian Service at Middleton Beach, where students picked up rubbish. It was wonderful to see how they all worked together to attempt to dig up a large orange plastic net that was deeply buried under the sand. Students then worked in small groups to build some amazing sandcastles. 

When we arrived back at St Joseph’s. We had some afternoon tea, and then Mr Mola joined us to teach us how to play frisbee golf. We used the entire oval, and played in teams to get our frisbees around the course in the least amount of throws as possible. It was lots of fun.

Mr Browning joined us for tea and the evening quiz night. We enjoyed some delicious pasta, and then Mr Browning helped us do the dishes and tidy up before the questions started. It was a challenging but close affair with tables tackling categories including Albany, Science, pop trivia, Geography, logos, and sports. In the end it was a tie, so a bonus round was needed. It was an old-fashioned spelling bee, and we were able to come up with a winner. After a warm milo, we all brushed our teeth and went to bed after a long but fun-filled day.

On Friday morning we were up early and went out for an early-morning run with Mr Collins. We then played some sports on the oval before breakfast. It was then off to Wacky Golf for some fun. We teamed up and had a blast playing the whole course and dressing up in the wild and wacky costumes on the course. We enjoyed some morning tea and some games along the way. No one could beat Mrs Cavanagh on the air hockey table! 

When we arrived back at school, we did some activities in our camp booklets, while some students helped cook a delicious barbecue lunch. We packed up the gym and finished the day with a game of softball on the oval. 

Many thanks to Mrs O’Callaghan, Mrs Cavanagh and Mr Collins for organising the camp. Thanks to all the staff and parents who helped out with the various activities during the camp. It was a memorable experience!

JS Presentation and Christmas Concert Night

Junior School
Posted: Thursday 17 November 2022

The St Joseph's College Junior School Presentation & Christmas Concert Night will be held in the College Gymnasium on Tuesday the 6th of December 2022 at 5pm.

All welcome!

Instrumental Music 2023

Posted: Friday 11 November 2022

My name is Alan Burnfield. I am an instrumental music teacher in Albany and have been teaching flute at St Joseph’s College since Term Three of this year.

I would like to offer instruction in clarinet and saxophone as well, starting Term 1 in 2023. The students would have a 30-minute lesson once a week during class time, although it might be possible to schedule lessons during lunch, or before or after school, especially for ATAR students.

Students would need to have an instrument before commencement of lessons. I also need to let you know that some children’s hand size and/or teeth might not be suitable for some instruments.

I am very happy to discuss all of this with parents BEFORE an instrument is purchased; there are many second-hand instruments around that look shiny and impressive, but may or may not actually work. I am a qualified and experienced woodwind instrument repairer as well as a teacher.

Please contact me on 0448 880 780, or at

Thank you

Alan Burnfield

Air Force Cadets

Posted: Friday 4 November 2022

Your local Squadron is 705(City of Albany)SQN which is located at corner of Spencer and Serpentine Roads. We parade on a Wednesday evening from 5.45pm to 9.15 pm during the school term. We are looking for new recruits between the year they turn 13 and up to 16 years of age.

As well as undertaking a range of leadership training, cadets can undertake learning about aerospace, drone flying, adventure training, flying, camping, parades, firearms training, drum corps, promotional activities, visits and overnight stays at military bases.

Cadets can earn up to 10 WACE accreditation points through being a part of our organisation.

The cost is minimal and uniforms are supplied.

For more information visit How to Join | Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) or Phone 0422 780 092