Term 3 - Week 1

First Confirmation Meeting for students and parents

Whole School
Posted: Wednesday 19 July 2023

The first Confirmation meeting for students who are making their Confirmation this year is scheduled for Tuesday, July 25, 2023. The meeting will be held in Holy Family Church and commence at 6.00pm. The following Sunday, 30th July will be the confirmation enrolment Mass. Mass commences at 9.30am. There is an expectation that you attend both of these events. If for some reason you are unable to attend, please contact myself ( or Father Vince at the Parish Office 9841 1129. We are looking forward to seeing you all next week. Chris Palfrey - Liturgy and Sacramental Co-ordinator

Soccer Canteen day

Whole School
Posted: Tuesday 18 July 2023


Our soccer canteen day is this Saturday 22nd July...we need your help to make this a successful event for our club...

***Please if you can volunteer on our canteen roster on our Facebook page***


We would appreciate if community members could donate cakes, slices, muffins, pop corn, jelly cups etc for our stall.

These items can be dropped off at the North Rd soccer canteen from 7.00am Saturday morning.

Much appreciated St Joseph's Soccer Committee ....

Saint of the Week!

Whole School
Posted: Monday 17 July 2023

Saint Mary Mackillop

Patron Saint of: Australia


Born in Melbourne in 1842 to parents from Scotland, Mary grew up in a family that faced constant financial struggles. Feeling called to religious life, she met Father Julian Woods in 1860 and together founded the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart. Mary's Order worked to staff schools especially for poor children, as well as orphanages and to do other works of charity. She died in 1909 and was canonised by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010. Mary is currently Australia's only Saint.


God of compassion, God of all people, we praise you for your servant, Mary Mackillop, who gave her life to serve you in the poor and oppressed. As she is honoured in our world, may we continue to learn to share her vision. Help us to recognise, as she did, that the poor of our time will hear the gospel in the way we serve them. Be with us as we strive to follow her and carry out our mission of service and care. St Mary Mackillop, pray for us.

Secondary School Mid-year Awards Assembly

Secondary School
Posted: Monday 24 July 2023

In recognition of the achievements and hard work of Secondary School students in Semester One, an awards assembly was held on Thursday of last week. The first set of awards presented to each year level went to the top student in each course, rewarding them for outstanding scores across the semester. The second set of awards went to students who always put their best effort into the subject. In addition, a series of Peer Support awards, as well as Sports awards, were also presented. Congtratulations to all the recipients of thes awards.

What's on at Albany Entertainment Centre

Posted: Monday 17 July 2023

The upcoming school shows that are visiting our centre in July! We have two shows for children/ youth which will be super enjoyable for parents too! These are both afternoon/evening performances open to the public.

  1. Sydney II: Lost and Found | Sat 22nd July 6.30pm- Theatre 180 are back with this true story of romance, danger, courage and fateful decisions. From the dark days of WWII and a race against time over sixty years later, comes a story of love, loss and hope. ***Post show Q&A***
  2. The Box Show | Sat 29th July 4.30pm - In the hands of Junkyard Beats, ordinary household items are transformed into extraordinary musical instruments and unwanted junk comes alive in exciting and surprising ways! The Box Show excites the imagination of children and adults alike. 

NIDA Open Day 2023 Applications now open for 2024 intake

Posted: Friday 23 June 2023

Applications are now open for 2024 intake.

See below for more information on NIDA's 2024 course offerings and how to apply.

We hope you feel inspired to pursue your studies at NIDA in 2024.

Registrations now OPEN for Northern Voyages

Posted: Sunday 7 May 2023

After a successful summer season in our southern waters, STS Leeuwin II has now entered a period of refit, in preparation for our northern rotation. During the winter months we head North, where trainees will get to have a very special experience in an extraordinary location.

Attached is flyer detailing the opportunities for your Duke of Edinburgh students to potentially achieve their Award levels before the year is over.

We have a range of generous sponsorships available. Information on each, and application forms will be available on our website. Please feel free to call me for more information on these. 

This voyage is open to any student aged 14+ wishing to have an adventure and develop leadership skills. 

For more information, please visit or feel free to contact me on 9430 4105 or

Sally Jonasson

Education Manager